[Bug]: autofix for jsx-closing-bracket-location deletes commentsΒ #3793
Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues and my issue is unique
- My issue appears in the command-line and not only in the text editor
Description Overview
When using jsx-closing-bracket-location with "after-props" setting, on autofix it deletes all comments which exist before actual non-comment prop (usually it's commented props).
For example, if run eslint --fix on this file
it will remove all comments before src prop
Same goes, of course, for html tags which have both opening and closing tags
comments will be removed in this case as well
I often find myself commenting some props for testing, and this deleting bothers me. To avoid it, I need to move props here and there so that there's a non-commented line before closing bracket
Expected Behavior
I think the expected behavior should be to make last comment be commented with "/* .... */" and place closing bracket there as shown below. Technically it will be "after props", but will not remove comments which might be needed by developer
If maintainers find this issue suitable for fix, I'll try to fix it myself
eslint-plugin-react version
eslint version
node version