Generate bipartite graphs and the associated CNF formulas
General Options
-g [chess|pigeon|random] Type of graph to generate.
-n [Int] Size of smaller partition in graph, or nxn board for chess?.
-e [direct|split|sinz|mixed] At-Most-One encoding, mixed randomly selects encoding for each node.
-f [FNAME] Filename to write cnf formula in dimacs format.
-s [Int] Seed for random number generator.
-M At-Most-One encoding applied also to both partitions.
-L At-Least-One encoding applied also to both partitions.
-E [Int] Number of edges in random graph.
-v Verbose (display density of generated bipartite graph).
Mchess Additional Options
-C [NORMAL|TORUS|CYLINDER] Type of mutilated chessboard.
Random Graph Additional Options
-D [Float<1] Number of edges in random graph bound by density (#edges/#possible edges).
-c [Int] Difference in number of nodes between partitions.
PGBDD Variants
-p Bucket and variable ordering for Sinz encoding (FNAME_bucket.order, FNAME_variable.order).
-o Variable ordering for either Sinz or split encoding (FNAME_variable.order).
Symmetry-Breaking Clauses
-b ...
scripts: Scripts to generate a subset of benchmark formulas.
- random - random graphs with 130 edges, n from [11,20], encodings from [direct,sinz,split,mixed], -A (default) and -B (Exactly-One) constraints
- randomPGBDD - random graphs with 130 edges, n from [11,20], encodings from [sinz,split], -A (default) constraints, bucket permutation (-Sched) and variable ordering (-Ord) options. (Note: this outputs .._variable.order, .._bucket.order files with usecase shown in the example section below)
- symmetry-breaking -
data: Excel spreadsheets (Random Experiments, Symmetry-Breaking Experiments) with sheets labeled by Figure #.
# Mutilated chessboard with
> ./bipartgen -g chess -f chess4 -n 4 -e direct
# Pigeonhole with 8 holes, 9 pigeons, with exactly one constraints for each node using sinz
> ./bipartgen -g pigeon -f pigeon8 -n 8 -e sinz -M -L
# Random graph with 15 edges using split encoding
> ./bipartgen -g random -f random -n 6 -e split -E 15
# Bucket permutation and variable ordering generated for PGBDD
> ./bipartgen -g random -f randomPGBDD -n 6 -e sinz -E 15 -p
# generates randomPGBDD.cnf, randomPGBDD_bucket.order, randomPGBDD_variable.order
> python pgbdd/prototype/ -i randomPGBDD.cnf -B randomPGBDD_bucket.order -p randomPGBDD_variable.order
# Variable ordering generated for PGBDD
> ./bipartgen -g random -f randomPGBDD -n 6 -e sinz -E 15 -o
# generates randomPGBDD.cnf, randomPGBDD_variable.order
# -b for default bucket elimination
> python pgbdd/prototype/ -i randomPGBDD.cnf -p randomPGBDD_variable.order -b