##ScriptMaster Scripts
These Groovy scripts were developed in ScriptMaster for use with ScriptMaster and FileMaker Pro.
SaveTextToFile( filePath ; theText ; theEncoding ; eolFormat )
Writes a text file. You can change the character encoding parameter to write in ASCII or international character sets.
SaveFileDialog ( saveTitle ; defaultDirectory ; defaultFileName )
Ask the user where to save a file.
ExecuteSQL ( theQuery ; columnDelimiter ; rowDelimiter )
Run the provided SQL query and return the result with the provided delimiters.
OpenFileDialog ( saveTitle ; defaultDirectory )
Asks the user to select a file. Returns the selected files path.
CombinePDF ( inputFiles; outputPath; enableCompression )
Combine the list of return delimited files, and create a single PDF. (bookmarks not copied)
Requires: iText http://itextpdf.com/
CreateFolder ( pathToCreate )
Creates a folder using the provided path.
PathExists ( thePath )
Checks to see if the file/folder exists for the provided file path.
DeletePath ( pathToDelete )
Deletes the provided folder/file (recursive)