My favorite settings files, for *nix and OSX
NOTE: the bashrc files reference a git command completion file. It's available at
- FavoriteBurpSettings: Use this when creating new BurpSuite projects
- bash_aliases: Alias topics include software dev, IP/network recon, finding large files.
- bashrc-linuxVPS: bash customizations for my linux server, with a focus on software dev, including customizing the shell prompt to include git-specific info when in a git repo directory.
- bashrc-osx: bash customizations for my MacBook, including some OSX-specific items such as ‘brew’ for software install. WARN: OSX does not load ~/.bashrc by default when opening terminals, but it will run ~/.profile. I was able to get around this by soft-linking .bashrc to .profile (of course there is likely a better way).
- gitignore-global: Files that git should ignore that may be in your local dir that you want to sync with git. Ex: OS-generated files, editor backups, etc.
- htoprc-*: Configs for 'htop' system utility. Think 'top' but better. Includes a version for a multi-core laptop (includes all cores + battery) and a single-core VM.
- perlcriticrc: Configure Perl::Critic to ignore certain types of violations.
- screenrc: customize a terminal multiplexer (similar to tmux).
- tmux.conf: moving away from screen; similar customizations.
- vimrc: adds dynamic spellcheck, displays line numbers, helpful status line.