KiCad library for all of my projects
Create a new directory
Initialise git
git init
Create library submodule
git submodule add
Create a hardware directory, and copy the template folder into hardware folder
Rename template files as required
Ready to design your next board!
Thanks to Silvio for making
which automates the generation of the required files.
From josh-kicad-lib
run ./ version MyProject "Your Name"
which will copy the template directory to hardware/$Version and change the names of template * to MyProject, along with changing the company name of the KiCad files.
This should result in a folder structure which looks like the below. If your KiCad project is not two levels below this library, things will not work properly.
|- .git
|- .gitmodules
|- hardware
| |- version
| |- fp-info-cache
| |- fp-lib-table
| |- sim-lib-table
| |- <project>.kicad_pcb
| |- ...
|- josh-kicad-lib
| |- lib files
Ensure all paths use the below text at the start of the path, as this keeps everything relative and ensures that it will work across different locations and computers.
contains details for a bunch of the parts commonly used in this library / my designs, and can be used to make generating the bom files with MPN/DigiKey/LCSC/etc details easier.
- arturo182 for the USB Type-C Connector.