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josephxbrick authored Apr 10, 2018
1 parent a02bbb0 commit da1f1c1
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 142 deletions.
207 changes: 65 additions & 142 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,152 +1,75 @@
class DefaultDot extends Layer
constructor: (options={}) ->
_.defaults options,
size: 13
borderRadius: "50%"
borderColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.9)"
backgroundColor:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"
borderWidth: 1.1
super options
# This class's instance is a rotate button that is added to the current phone/tablet layer shown when a prototype is displayed in a desktop web browser or in Framer Studio itself (but not when viewed on a phone or tablet). The image is customizable and flips itself appropriately when the device rotates.
# The default orientation of the provided bitmap should be designed for the portrait orientation. The default size of the instance designed to work well with any phone/tablet that Framer displays, but the coder can customize this size (or scale the button)
# @rotationImage: the image that is used in the button
# @deviceEdgeOffset: number of pixels between the right edge of the device and the button (coder is discouraged from specifying x)
# @y: number of pixels from the top of the device

class exports.Paginator extends Layer
constructor: (@options={}) ->
class exports.DeviceRotator extends Layer
constructor: (@options = {}) ->
_.defaults @options,
pageComponent: undefined
side: "bottom"
sideOffset: 10
dotSize: 13
dotSpacing: 6
dotDefaultProps: backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)", borderColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.95)"
dotSelectedProps: backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.95)", borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.35)"
animationOptions: time: 0.3, curve: Bezier.ease
image: ""
deviceEdgeOffset: 0
y: 0 # set to zero to see if coder specifies a non-zero y
size: 0 # set to zero to see if coder specifies a size
backgroundColor: ""
interactive: false
super @options
if not @pageComponent
throw new Error "You must supply Paginator with a PageComponent"
# for positioning to work properly, Paginator must be on same layer as is PageComponent
@parent = @pageComponent.parent
if @side not in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]
throw new Error "What side are you on?"

@pageComponent.on "change:currentPage", (currentPage, target) =>
@_selectDot target.horizontalPageIndex(currentPage)
@pageComponent.content.on "change:children", =>
@pageComponent.on "change:size", =>
@pageComponent.on "change:point", =>


_createDots: ->
numDots = @pageComponent.content.children.length
for i in [0...Math.max(numDots, @children.length)]
if i >= numDots
# Too many dots from prevous execution of _createDots().
# (A page has been removed from the page component.)
destroyMe = @children[i]
destroyMe.parent = null
if i < @children.length and i < numDots
# Reuse existing dot from previous execution _createDots()
# due to @pageComponent event "change:children"
dot = @children[i]
else if i < numDots
# make new dot
dot = new DefaultDot
dot.props = @dotDefaultProps
if i < numDots
dot.size = @dotSize
dot.parent = @
if @side in ["top", "bottom"]
dot.x = i * (dot.width + @dotSpacing)
dot.y = 0
dot.x = 0
dot.y = i * (dot.height + @dotSpacing)
dot.states =
default: @dotDefaultProps
selected: @dotSelectedProps
if @interactive is true
dot.onTap (event, target) =>
@pageComponent.snapToPage @pageComponent.content.children[_.indexOf(@children, target)]
@emit "dotTapped", target, _.indexOf(@children, target)
if @side in ["top", "bottom"]
@width = numDots * (dot.width + @dotSpacing) - @dotSpacing
@height = dot.height

# get reference to the "phone" layer, become its child, and match its context
@deviceLayer =
@parent = @deviceLayer
@._context = @deviceLayer.context

# Now that we're in the same context as @deviceLayer, it's safe to do some sizing/layout.

size = @size # grab constructed size

if size.width is 0 or size.height is 0 # the coder did not pass in any sizing info
@size = @deviceLayer.width * 0.045 * @deviceLayer.height/@deviceLayer.width # our default size
@width = dot.width
@height = numDots * (dot.height + @dotSpacing) - @dotSpacing
@size = 0 # zero-out size to force registration of resize (in our new context) in line below
@size = size # coder-specified size.

@x = @deviceLayer.width + @deviceEdgeOffset

if @options.y isnt 0 # coder provided a y value
@y = 0 # zero-out y for same reason as above.
@y = @options.y

# flip self properly if instantiated while device's parent is in landscape (rotationZ is -90)
@rotationY = @deviceLayer.parent.rotationZ * 2

# show ourself only when appropriate
@visible = Framer.Device._device.deviceType in ["phone","tablet"] and not Utils.isMobile()

_selectDot: (dotIndex) ->
for child, i in @children
if i is dotIndex
child.animate "selected",
# flip ourself the other way as Device.hands layer (parent of @deviceLayer) rotates 90 degrees
@deviceLayer.parent.on "change:rotationZ", (newRotation) =>
@rotationY = newRotation * 2

# rotate device appropriately when clicked
@onClick ->
if Framer.Device.orientation is 0
child.animate "default",

_setPosition: ->
if @side is "bottom"
@x = @pageComponent.x + @pageComponent.width/2 - @.width/2
@y = @pageComponent.maxY - @height - @sideOffset
else if @side is "top"
@x = @pageComponent.x + @pageComponent.width/2 - @.width/2
@y = @pageComponent.y + @sideOffset
else if @side is "left"
@x = @pageComponent.x + @sideOffset
@y = @pageComponent.y + @pageComponent.height/2 - @.height/2
else if @side is "right"
@x = @pageComponent.maxX - @width - @sideOffset
@y = @pageComponent.y + @pageComponent.height/2 - @.height/2
# make sure any child added to instance gets proper context and has its size/point properties reset in the context
@on "change:children", ->
for child in @children
size = child.size
point = child.point
child.size = 0
child.point = 0
child._context = @context
child.size = size
child.point = point

_layout: ->
@_selectDot _.indexOf @pageComponent.content.children, @pageComponent.currentPage

@define "pageComponent",
get: -> @options.pageComponent

@define "side",
get: -> @options.side
set: (value) ->
@options.side = value
# don't call @_layout() upon @side being set in constructor
if @__framerInstanceInfo? # undefined until instance is created
@define "sideOffset",
get: -> @options.sideOffset
set: (value) ->
@options.sideOffset = value
if @__framerInstanceInfo?
@define "dotSize",
get: -> @options.dotSize
set: (value) ->
@options.dotSize = value
if @__framerInstanceInfo?
@define "dotSpacing",
get: -> @options.dotSpacing
set: (value) ->
@options.dotSpacing = value
if @__framerInstanceInfo?
@define "dotDefaultProps",
get: -> @options.dotDefaultProps
set: (value) ->
@options.dotDefaultProps = value
if @__framerInstanceInfo?
@define "dotSelectedProps",
get: -> @options.dotSelectedProps
set: (value) ->
@options.dotSelectedProps = value
@define "deviceEdgeOffset",
get: -> @options.deviceEdgeOffset
set: (offset) ->
# Check whether we're an instance yet; we don't want the constructor to trigger
# this setter because the proper context isn't set yet.
if @__framerInstanceInfo?
@define "interactive",
get: -> @options.interactive
@options.deviceEdgeOffset = offset
@x = @deviceLayer.width + @deviceEdgeOffset

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