Joomla tricks and techniques, freely offered by members of the Joomla Chit Chat Group
If you don't know GitHub's editor Markdown syntax, here goes a basic how to, and an advanced one.
Take a look at our repositories at
Joomla! Boilerplate modules, components, plugins, templates
A basic starter kit module that will save you a huge amount of time when you need to create a custom Joomla module.
by @uglyeoin
Some already existing gists (short peices of code that aren't worthy of a repository) - feel free to contribute or improve.
Filezilla - Exclude directories like administrator, libraries, cache, tmp and any others that you don't really need to download for every single project. Exclude files such as .jpa, .zip, .psd, .indd and other large files that are for the project but not the final upload. Simply go into Filezilla and do a File > import. It won't mess up your existing settings I don't think BUT please back up your filters just in case.
Find other useful examples at For example, if you wanted examples of how people have used JModuleHelper::rendermodule you search for that and it takes you to
Here we will post all tricks that are platform agnostic, from nifty code samples to Adobe XD show stoppers.
Some really helpful SCSS Mixins