making dynamic wordpress sites (fully custom themes) for people who need them ;)
looking into wp headless and cosmicjs
haven't used windows in the past 3 years(i think)
used kde, now uses gnome because it's more polished and less settings to spend too much hours configuring back to kde again because gnome was to limiting and lacked good screenshot tool
Fedora 41 (linus torvalds uses fedora 🤓)
web developer
| css tailwind ofc | html/Jsx/tsx | php fuck php, react is better | nextjs |
contact me
My public ssh key:
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOclTNwZw0ojbfwEwtejN/SCMaJZ1Vt4UwhckxzTBgGk deck@bazzite