I currently work as a QA Engineer. I am mostly using virtualization technologies such as Hyper V, Powershell Scripting, Postman, and Linux.
I do not create softwares. I create experiences. I create life, joy, happiness. Humanity - a better quality place on the planet.
I believe in doing something awesome. No matter what the project or task is, it is better to do it right. The perfect project is not just completed. It is done awesomely.
That's me, I keep things awesome. This saves you time and money.
- 🔭 Exploring QA automation and Cloud DevOps.
- 👯 Documenting my journey through content writing.
- 🥅 2023 Goals: Advance in QA & ship more quality softwares.
- ⚡ Fun fact: Writing cools my brain and calms my heart.
⭐️ From johnwaka