This package implements several input variable selection methods. Currently implemented methods are:
: No input variable selectionboruta
: Input Variable Selection using the Boruta algorithm.rrf
: Input Variable Selection (IVS) using feature importance scores from fitting a regularized random forrest (rrf) regression model.ea_cmi_htc
: Edgeworth Approximation (EA) based Shannon Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS) using the Hampel Test Criterion (HTC) to identify significant inputs.ea_cmi_tol
: Edgeworth Approximation (EA) based Shannon Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS) using ratio of CMI over Mutual Information (MI) to identify significant inputs.knn_cmi_tol
: K nearest neighbour (KNN) based Shannon Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS) using ratio of CMI over Mutual Information (MI) to identify significant inputs.knn_cmi_bi_tol
: Bias Improved (BI) K nearest neighbour (KNN) based Shannon Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS) using ratio of CMI over Mutual Information (MI) to identify significant inputs.pmis_bic
: Partial Mutual Information Selection (PMIS) using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to identify significant inputs.pcis_bic
: Partial Correlation Input Selection (PCIS) using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to identify significant inputs.
You can install the development version of hydroIVS
GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Here is a basic example:
hprice2$lprice <- NULL
#> price crime nox rooms dist radial proptax stratio lowstat lnox lproptax
#> 1 24000 0.006 5.38 6.57 4.09 1 29.6 15.3 4.98 1.682688 5.690360
#> 2 21599 0.027 4.69 6.42 4.97 2 24.2 17.8 9.14 1.545433 5.488938
#> 3 34700 0.027 4.69 7.18 4.97 2 24.2 17.8 4.03 1.545433 5.488938
#> 4 33400 0.032 4.58 7.00 6.06 3 22.2 18.7 2.94 1.521699 5.402678
#> 5 36199 0.069 4.58 7.15 6.06 3 22.2 18.7 5.33 1.521699 5.402678
#> 6 28701 0.030 4.58 6.43 6.06 3 22.2 18.7 5.21 1.521699 5.402678
y <- hprice2$price
X <- hprice2[, 2:ncol(hprice2)]
X <- as.matrix(X)
# *******************************************
# Partial Correlation Input Selection (PCIS)
# *******************************************
# Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) used to identify significant inputs.
ivsIOData(y, X, ivsm = "pcis_bic")
#> $sel_inputs
#> [1] 8 3 7 4 2 1 5 10
#> $names_sel_inputs
#> [1] "lowstat" "rooms" "stratio" "dist" "nox" "crime" "radial"
#> [8] "lproptax"
#> $scores
#> [1] 0.52760 0.21560 0.11020 0.03114 0.06044 0.01381 0.01370 0.03432
# ********************************************************
# Edgeworth Approximation (EA) based Shannon Conditional
# Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS)
# ********************************************************
# ivs_param indicates ratio of CMI over Mutual Information (MI)
# used to identify significant inputs.
ivsIOData(y, X, ivsm = "ea_cmi_tol", ivs_param = 0.1)
#> Input CMI MI CMI.MI.ratio CMIevals CPUtime ElapsedTime
#> 1 3 0.6670 0.667 1.0000 10 0 0.05
#> 2 1 0.4288 1.096 0.3913 19 0 0.06
#> 3 8 0.1540 1.250 0.1233 27 0 0.10
#> 4 7 0.1275 1.377 0.0926 34 0 0.14
#> $sel_inputs
#> [1] 3 1 8
#> $names_sel_inputs
#> [1] "rooms" "crime" "lowstat"
#> $scores
#> [1] 0.6670 0.4288 0.1540
# ********************************************************
# K nearest neighbour (KNN) based Shannon Conditional
# Mutual Information (CMI) Input Variable Selection (IVS)
# ********************************************************
# ivs_param[1] indicates ratio of CMI over Mutual Information (MI)
# used to identify significant inputs.
# ivs_param[2] indicates number of nearest neighbors
ivsIOData(y, X, ivsm = "knn_cmi_tol", ivs_param = c(0.1, 5))
#> Input CMI MI CMI.MI.ratio CMIevals CPUtime ElapsedTime
#> 1 8 0.422900 0.4229 1.00000 10 0.13 1.78
#> 2 3 0.008007 0.4439 0.01804 19 0.27 5.16
#> $sel_inputs
#> [1] 8
#> $names_sel_inputs
#> [1] "lowstat"
#> $scores
#> [1] 0.4229
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