#Save with Frame
The plugin will take your selected artboards and output them to a location of your choosing wrapped in an iPhone 6 frame.
You can choose 4 different colors of the iPhone 6.
###iPhone 6
- Create & Save / Open a Saved Sketch file
- Create a new artboard sized for iPhone 6 @1x
- Or, select artboards you want to export that are already at that size
- Click Plugins > Save with Frame > Export iPhone 6 Assets
- Select the color iPhone you want to frame your artboard
- Select where you want to save these images
###Moto 360
- Create & Save / Open a Saved Sketch file
- Create a new artboard sized at 360x360
- Or, select artboards you want to export that are already at that size
- Click Plugins > Save with Frame > Export Moto 360 6 Assets
- Select the color watch you want to frame your artboard
- Select where you want to save these images
###Thanks to [https://github.com/GeertWille/sketch-export-assets]