Cross-platform C++ game for Win32/Android created using Cocos2d-x created for the Platform Games Development module of year-four of Games Design and Development course using the Space Game tutorial at as a starting point.
The game includes Google Analytics and Google Play Services Leaderboards and Achievements.
- Changed backing track
- Added music player (Image 11, 12)
- HUD for Level, Score, and Timer (Image 3)
- Additional level and menu scenes (Image 3)
- Added direction controls for mobile (Image 4)
- Double laser weapon (Image 5)
- Lives indicated with icons (Image 6)
- Additional enemies (Image 7)
- High scores table (Image 8)
- Power ups
- Added status bars (Image 13)
- Boss Enemy (Image 14)
- Connect to Google Play (Image 15)
- Analytics (Image 16)
- Leaderboards (Image 17)
- Achievements (Image 18, 19)
- Improved Menu (Image 20)
Space Shooter 2: Original tutorial
Space Quest 3: Added Level Number, Score, Timer, and keyboard movement
Space Quest 4: Mobile control pad (Dpad (EasyArrowsx-3.0, Jordon Brown), changes made)
Space Quest 7: Level 2, score and lives carry over from previous level, and background changes
Space Quest 8: High Scores Table, displays up to ten scores, and indicates when a new high score is a achieved
Space Quest 9: The high score is displayed in the menu
Space Quest 10: Multiple Laser Weapon allows from 1 to 4 beams to be fired
Space Quest 11: Added music controls to add to menu and game scenes
Space Quest 12: Additional Enemies, with different laser spawning/weapons firing functions, and rotating Asteroids
Space Quest 13: Added status bars for enemy health bars etc.
Space Quest 14: Enemy Boss - DerpStar - with rotating laser canons
Space Quest 15: Sign into Google Play functionality added using SDKBox
Space Quest 16: Google Analytics achievements recorded as events (SDKBox support added)
Space Quest 18: Pop up achievements
Space Quest 20: Leaderboards and Achievements accessed from Main Menu
RayWenderlich: Cocos2d-x Tutorial for Beginners
RayWenderlich: Cocos2D-X Tutorial for iOS and Android: Space Game