Transfer tensors between PyTorch, Jax and more
PufferAI / rocket-lander
Forked from arex18/rocket-landerSpaceX Falcon 9 Box2D continuous-action simulation with traditional and AI controllers.
A framework for Reinforcement Learning research.
Download all the wallpapers in MKBHD's "Panels" app
Implement a MNIST(also minimal) version of denoising diffusion probabilistic model from scratch.The model only has 4.55MB.
LeanRL is a fork of CleanRL, where selected PyTorch scripts optimized for performance using compile and cudagraphs.
vwxyzjn / LeanRL
Forked from pytorch-labs/LeanRLLeanRL is a fork of CleanRL, where selected PyTorch scripts optimized for performance using compile and cudagraphs.
Extremely Fast End-to-End Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework on a GPU (JMLR 2022)
gym_airsim_multirotor is a customized OpenAI gym environement for AimSim.
Quadcopter Simulation and Control. Dynamics generated with PyDy.
This is a new repo used for training UAV navigation (local path planning) policy using DRL methods.
A benchmark environment for fully cooperative human-AI performance.
A minimalistic window with lyrics synced to Spotify on the surface of your screen
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
Level-based Foraging (LBF): A multi-agent environment for RL
An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
lmco / flyte
Forked from flyteorg/flyteScalable and flexible workflow orchestration platform that seamlessly unifies data, ML and analytics stacks.
WireGuard VPN installer for Linux servers
Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
Official repository of Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes