TableSubgroupMultiCox(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, var_subgroups = c("kk", "kk1"), data = lung, line = TRUE)
Variable Count Percent Point Estimate Lower Upper sex=1 sex=2 P value P for interaction
sex Overall 228 100 1.91 1.14 3.2 100 100 0.014
2 kk 0.525
3 0 38 16.9 2.88 0.31 26.49 10 100 0.35
4 1 187 83.1 1.84 1.08 3.14 100 100 0.026
6 kk1 0.997
7 0 8 3.6 0 100
8 1 217 96.4 1.88 1.12 3.17 100 100 0.018
In, Y, istrat, offset, init, control, weights = weights, :
Loglik converged before variable 1,2,3 ; coefficient may be infinite.
TableSubgroupMultiGLM(status ~ sex, var_subgroups = c("kk", "kk1"), data = lung, family = "binomial")
[1] "binomial"
Thank you very much for providing this package. However, when I use the TableSubgroupMultiGLM function, it seems that the returned values are incorrect. But when I use the TableSubgroupMultiCox function, it returns the correct values. What's wrong with it?