This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 19, 2023. It is now read-only.
Tags: jina-ai/langchain-serve
🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In partic… …ular, Zac Li, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇 - [[```215a666f```](215a666)] __-__ link to monitor url (*Zac Li*) - [[```933e705d```](933e705)] __-__ integration tests issue (*Zac Li*) - [[```5c142765```](5c14276)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.60 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In partic… …ular, Zac Li, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇 - [[```8b888ce3```](8b888ce)] __-__ job function (*Zac Li*) - [[```f86c584e```](f86c584)] __-__ jcloud fix (*Zac Li*) - [[```db2bcb5a```](db2bcb5)] __-__ jcloud version (*Zac Li*) - [[```e95863ff```](e95863f)] __-__ secrets passing (*Zac Li*) - [[```a4440161```](a444016)] __-__ param parsing (*Zac Li*) - [[```9b75850c```](9b75850)] __-__ job docs (*Zac Li*) - [[```11448ba2```](11448ba)] __-__ test for job (*Zac Li*) - [[```94be5f24```](94be5f2)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.59 (*Jina Dev Bot*) - [[```84f855e0```](84f855e)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.57 (*Jina Dev Bot*) - [[```86099dd5```](86099dd)] __-__ Merge pull request #128 from jina-ai/fix-versions (*Zac Li*)
🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In partic… …ular, Deepankar Mahapatro, Zac Li, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇 - [[```12384fa0```](12384fa)] __-__ support secrets (*Zac Li*) - [[```f75922c5```](f75922c)] __-__ update requirements.txt (*Deepankar Mahapatro*) - [[```e014cdd2```](e014cdd)] __-__ jcloud version (*Zac Li*) - [[```6e4499fb```](6e4499f)] __-__ integration test fix (*Zac Li*) - [[```1f33c6ff```](1f33c6f)] __-__ update (*Zac Li*) - [[```1ee8aa1e```](1ee8aa1)] __-__ secret docs (*Zac Li*) - [[```6b2fd26f```](6b2fd26)] __-__ update (*Deepankar Mahapatro*) - [[```b385fc58```](b385fc5)] __-__ fix tests (*Zac Li*) - [[```d538013b```](d538013)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.58 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In partic… …ular, Zac Li, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇 - [[```ddecd4c8```](ddecd4c)] __-__ tracing for slackbot (*Zac Li*) - [[```db7ccd24```](db7ccd2)] __-__ tracking for slack (*Zac Li*) - [[```f622954e```](f622954)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.55 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
🙇 We'd like to thank all contributors for this new release! In partic… …ular, Zac Li, Deepankar Mahapatro, Jina Dev Bot, 🙇 - [[```b7ca41b9```](b7ca41b)] __-__ make sure workspace is set as env in fastapi app (*Zac Li*) - [[```67b1d672```](67b1d67)] __-__ update about pause (*Zac Li*) - [[```66079e18```](66079e1)] __-__ integraion test (*Zac Li*) - [[```df32cb38```](df32cb3)] __-__ remove old readmes (*Deepankar Mahapatro*) - [[```8477885b```](8477885)] __-__ cap jcloud version under 0.2.12 (*Deepankar Mahapatro*) - [[```8ea92878```](8ea9287)] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.0.53 (*Jina Dev Bot*)