This is the intel generation code for the EVE Online Intel Tool PySpy.
Relies on
Data is fetched from, which is a batch dump of the full killmails available from zKill.
Summaries are generated from a local SQLite instance then pushed to DynamoDB for consumption by the server.
Processing a day takes about 2 hours, though that is with sqlite being hosted remotely on a NAS and DynamoDB being remote as well.
Quarterly backups of sqlite and dynamodb are available at s3://requesterpaysfiles/pyspy so forks won't have to start their datastore from scratch. Since I don't want to pay for 'the internet' to download a 40GB artifact, it is configured that you must have an AWS account and pay the retrieval and egress charges -- in any one instances it is just a few cents, but it adds up for me if everyone decides to do it.
- - Fetches killmails and updates the DynamoDB table with the result
- - Fetches a mapping of shipnames from ESI and uploads to Cloudfront. Avoids clients beating up ESI for the same data since it changes rarely.