RSoccer Gym is an open-source framework to study Reinforcement Learning for SSL and IEEE VSSS competition environment. The simulation is done by rSim and it is one of the requirements.
$ pip install -e .
IEE VSSS | IEE VSSS Multi-Agent | GoTo Ball | Static Defenders |
Contested Possession | Dribbling | Pass Endurance | Pass Endurance MA |
Environment Id | Observation Space | Action Space | Step limit |
VSS-v0 | Box(40,) | Box(2,) | 1200 |
VSSMA-v0 | Box(3,40) | Box(3,2) | 1200 |
VSSGk-v0 | Box(40,) | Box(2,) | 1200 |
SSLGoToBall-v0 | Box(24,) | Box(3,) | 2400 |
SSLGoToBallShoot-v0 | Box(12,) | Box(5,) | 1200 |
SSLStaticDefenders-v0 | Box(24,) | Box(5,) | 1000 |
SSLDribbling-v0 | Box(21,) | Box(4,) | 4800 |
SSLContestedPossession-v0 | Box(14,) | Box(5,) | 1200 |
SSLPassEndurance-v0 | Box(18,) | Box(3,) | 1200 |
SSLPassEnduranceMA-v0 | Box(18,) | Box(2,3) | 1200 |
import numpy as np
from gym.spaces import Box
from rc_gym.Entities import Ball, Frame, Robot
from rc_gym.ssl.ssl_gym_base import SSLBaseEnv
class SSLExampleEnv(SSLBaseEnv):
def __init__(self):
field = 0 # SSL Division A Field
super().__init__(field_type=0, n_robots_blue=1,
n_robots_yellow=0, time_step=0.025)
n_obs = 4 # Ball x,y and Robot x, y
self.action_space = Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(2, ))
self.observation_space = Box(low=-self.field.length/2,\
high=self.field.length/2,shape=(n_obs, ))
def _frame_to_observations(self):
ball, robot = self.frame.ball, self.frame.robots_blue[0]
return np.array([ball.x, ball.y, rbt.x, rbt.y])
def _get_commands(self, actions):
return [Robot(yellow=False, id=0,
v_x=actions[0], v_y=actions[1])]
def _calculate_reward_and_done(self):
if self.frame.ball.x > self.field.length / 2 \
and abs(self.frame.ball.y) < self.field.goal_width / 2:
reward, done = 1, True
reward, done = 0, False
return reward, done
def _get_initial_positions_frame(self):
pos_frame: Frame = Frame()
pos_frame.ball = Ball(x=(self.field.length/2)\
- self.field.penalty_length, y=0.)
pos_frame.robots_blue[0] = Robot(x=0., y=0., theta=0,)
return pos_frame
import gym
import rsoccer_gym
# Using VSS Single Agent env
env = gym.make('VSS-v0')
# Run for 1 episode and print reward at the end
for i in range(1):
done = False
while not done:
# Step using random actions
action = env.action_space.sample()
next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)