- trim-noV.sh - a script to do trimming of short reads. requires khmer >= 2.0.
- check-tree.py - exhaustively confirm the results of a search on an SBT.
- compute-dna-mh-another-way.py - a separate implementation of MinHash signature calculation for DNA.
- compute-input-prot-another-way.py - a separate implementation of MinHash signature calculation for proteins.
- compute-prot-mh-another-way.py - a separate implementation of MinHash signature computing for 6-frame translations of DNA into amino acid space.
CTB 1/2019
- cardinality_estimate_confidence.py - a function that will tell you if the sketch size is too small to trust the estimate
sketch_size * scale
as an estimate of the number of distinct k-mers.
DMK 5/2022