Philippe Muller's tastypie-client
- requests >= 2.3.0
NOTE: It does not require Django! It's called django_tastypie_digester because it digests django_tastypie feeds.
In [1]: from django_tastypie_digester import Api
In [2]: api = Api('')
In [3]: api
Out[3]: <Api:>
With basic http authentication (only this auth is supported by now)
In [2]: api = Api('', auth=('martin', '***'))
With debugging (you need to set logging module correctly)
In [2]: api = Api('', debug=True)
Note: All unsuccessful communication with api server raises BadHttpStatus exception. It is discussed later.
In [3]: api.get_endpoints()
Out[3]: {u'mailing': <EndpointProxy>}
In [4]: api.get_endpoint('mailing')
Out[4]: <EndpointProxy>
In [5]: api.mailing
Out[5]: <EndpointProxy>
To get all the recources in endpoint, do:
In [6]: api.mailing.all()
Out[6]: <ResourceList mailing, total count: 130>
ResourceList object is ready only for iteration. Resources are fetched page by page lazyly.
To get one resource of known id, do:
In [7]: api.mailing.get(12)
Out[7]: <Resource mailing/12: {u'customer': u'30509', ... u'email': u''}>
To get more resources of known ids at once, do:
In [9]: api.mailing.get_many(11, 23)
u'11': <Resource mailing/11: {u'customer': u'30509', ...}>,
u'23': <Resource mailing/23: {u'customer': u'65997', ...}>
To get a filtered list of resources, do:
In [11]: api.mailing.filter(kind__contains='cms')
Out[11]: <ResourceList mailing, total count: 14>
Filters and their types have to be configurated on the api side. ResourceList object is ready only for iteration. Resources are fetched page by page lazyly.
Realized by POST request to endpoint url. Data are passed as keyword arguments. Returns the newly created resource.
In [14]: api.mailing.add(customer=u'00936175', ...)
Out[14]: <Resource mailing/131: {u'customer': u'00936175', ...}>
Calls PATCH request to resource url. Data are passed as keyword arguments. Returns the updated resource.
In [15]: api.mailing.get(1)
Out[15]: <Resource mailing/1: {u'customer': u'30509', ...}>
In [16]: api.mailing.get(1).update(customer='999')
Out[16]: <Resource mailing/1: {u'customer': u'999', ...}>
Calls DELETE request to resource url. Returns True.
In [20]: api.mailing.get(131).delete()
Out[20]: True
All unsuccessful communication with api server raises BadHttpStatus exception.
E.g. if DELETE requests are not allowed on the api side the delete call will endup with 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED status:
In [19]: api.mailing.get(131).delete()
BadHttpStatus Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/martin/devel/solweb/<ipython-input-19-7a74508b3864> in <module>()
----> 1 api.mailing.get(131).delete()
/home/martin/devel/solweb/qdqlibs/django_tastypie_digester/ in delete(self)
339 response = self.endpoint.api.request(url, request=requests.delete)
340 if response.status_code != 204:
--> 341 self.endpoint.api.raise_error(response)
342 self._is_deleted = True
343 return True
/home/martin/devel/solweb/qdqlibs/django_tastypie_digester/ in raise_error(self, response)
707 message = content
708 message = '[%s] %s' % (response.status_code, message)
--> 709 raise BadHttpStatus(message, response=response)
711 def __repr__(self):
BadHttpStatus: [405]
BadHttpStatus includes the unsuccessful response object
BadHttpStatus().response # instance of requests.models.Response
And response status code (proxied from response)
BadHttpStatus().status # 405
BadHttpStatus().response.status_copde # 405
Proxies to related resources
In [29]: api.mailing.get(1).user
Out[29]: <ResourceProxy user/1>
Proxies to related lists
In [30]: api.user.get(1).mailings
Out[30]: <ResourceProxyList mailing, total count: 116>
In [31]: api.user.get_schema()
u'allowed_detail_http_methods': [u'get', u'post'],
u'allowed_list_http_methods': [u'get', u'post'],
u'default_format': u'application/json',
u'default_limit': 20,
u'fields': {
u'email': {u'blank': False,
u'default': u'',
u'help_text': u'Unicode string data. Ex: "Hello World"',
u'nullable': False,
u'readonly': False,
u'type': u'string',
u'unique': False},