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ResolveOption/FromMemento -> LoadOption #308

merged 20 commits into from
Mar 4, 2022
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  • Loading branch information
bartelink committed Mar 4, 2022
commit 675a073016a4d84dc63aaf88b413f1ee1cd635b0
86 changes: 26 additions & 60 deletions src/Equinox/Core.fs
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@@ -1,68 +1,39 @@
namespace Equinox.Core

/// Store-specific opaque token to be used for synchronization purposes
type [<NoComparison>] StreamToken = { value : obj; version: int64 }

namespace Equinox

/// Exposed by TransactEx / QueryEx, providing access to extended state information for cases where that's required
type ISyncContext<'state> =

/// Exposes the underlying Store's internal Version for the underlying stream.
/// An empty stream is Version 0; one with a single event is Version 1 etc.
/// It's important to consider that this Version is more authoritative than inspecting the `Index` of the last event passed to
/// your `fold` function - the codec may opt to ignore it
abstract member Version : int64

/// The present State of the stream within the context of this Flow
abstract member State : 'state

/// Represents a Checkpoint position on a Stream's timeline; Can be used to manage continuations via LoadOption.Memento
abstract member CreateMemento : unit -> Core.StreamToken * 'state

/// Internal data structures/impl. While these are intended to be legible, understanding the abstractions involved is only necessary if you are implementing a Store or a decorator thereof.
/// Internal data structures/impl. While these are intended to be legible, understanding the abstractions involved is only necessary if you are implementing a Store or a decorator thereof.
/// i.e., if you're seeking to understand the main usage flows of the Equinox library, that's in Decider.fs, not here
namespace Equinox.Core

open Serilog

/// Internal type used to represent the outcome of a TrySync operation
[<NoEquality; NoComparison; RequireQualifiedAccess>]
type SyncResult<'state> =
/// The write succeeded (the supplied token and state can be used to efficiently continue the processing if, and only if, desired)
| Written of StreamToken * 'state
/// The set of changes supplied to TrySync conflict with the present state of the underlying stream based on the configured policy for that store
/// The inner is Async as some stores (and/or states) are such that determining the conflicting state (if, and only if, required) needs an extra trip to obtain
| Conflict of Async<StreamToken * 'state>

/// Store-agnostic interface representing interactions a Flow can have with the state of a given event stream. Not intended for direct use by consumer code.
type IStream<'event, 'state> =

/// Generate a stream token that represents a stream one believes to be empty to use as a Null Object when optimizing out the initial load roundtrip
abstract LoadEmpty : unit -> StreamToken * 'state

/// Obtain the state from the target stream
abstract Load : log: ILogger * allowStale : bool -> Async<StreamToken * 'state>
abstract Load : log: Serilog.ILogger * allowStale : bool -> Async<StreamToken * 'state>

/// Given the supplied `token` [and related `originState`], attempt to move to state `state'` by appending the supplied `events` to the underlying stream
/// SyncResult.Written: implies the state is now the value represented by the Result's value
/// SyncResult.Conflict: implies the `events` were not synced; if desired the consumer can use the included resync workflow in order to retry
abstract TrySync : log: ILogger * token: StreamToken * originState: 'state * events: 'event list -> Async<SyncResult<'state>>
abstract TrySync : log: Serilog.ILogger * token: StreamToken * originState: 'state * events: 'event list -> Async<SyncResult<'state>>

/// Internal type used to represent the outcome of a TrySync operation
and [<NoEquality; NoComparison; RequireQualifiedAccess>] SyncResult<'state> =
/// The write succeeded (the supplied token and state can be used to efficiently continue the processing if, and only if, desired)
| Written of StreamToken * 'state
/// The set of changes supplied to TrySync conflict with the present state of the underlying stream based on the configured policy for that store
/// The inner is Async as some stores (and/or states) are such that determining the conflicting state (if, and only if, required) needs an extra trip to obtain
| Conflict of Async<StreamToken * 'state>

/// Store-specific opaque token to be used for synchronization purposes
and [<NoComparison>] StreamToken = { value : obj; version: int64 }

/// Internal implementation of the Store agnostic load + run/render. See Decider.fs for App-facing APIs.
module internal Flow =

let query (load : Async<StreamToken * 'state>) (project: Equinox.ISyncContext<'state> -> 'result) : Async<'result> = async {
let! tokenAndState = load
let context = { new Equinox.ISyncContext<'state> with
member _.State = snd tokenAndState
member _.Version = (fst tokenAndState).version
member _.CreateMemento() = tokenAndState }
return project context }

/// Represents stream and folding state between the load and run/render phases
type SyncContext<'event, 'state>
( originState : StreamToken * 'state,
trySync : ILogger * StreamToken * 'state * 'event list -> Async<SyncResult<'state>>) =
trySync : Serilog.ILogger * StreamToken * 'state * 'event list -> Async<SyncResult<'state>>) =
let mutable tokenAndState = originState

let trySyncOr log events (handleFailureResync : Async<StreamToken * 'state> -> Async<bool>) : Async<bool> = async {
Expand All @@ -74,55 +45,50 @@ module internal Flow =
tokenAndState <- token', streamState'
return true }

interface Equinox.ISyncContext<'state> with
member _.State = snd tokenAndState
member _.Version = (fst tokenAndState).version
member _.CreateMemento() = tokenAndState

member _.TryWithoutResync(log : ILogger, events) : Async<bool> =
member _.TryWithoutResync(log : Serilog.ILogger, events) : Async<bool> =
trySyncOr log events (fun _resync -> async { return false })
member _.TryOrResync(runResync, attemptNumber: int, log : ILogger, events) : Async<bool> =
member _.TryOrResync(runResync, attemptNumber: int, log : Serilog.ILogger, events) : Async<bool> =
let resyncInPreparationForRetry resync = async {
let! streamState' = runResync log attemptNumber resync
tokenAndState <- streamState'
return false }
trySyncOr log events resyncInPreparationForRetry
member _.CurrentTokenAndState = tokenAndState

/// Process a command, ensuring a consistent final state is established on the stream.
/// 1. make a decision predicated on the known state
/// 2a. if no changes required, exit with known state
/// 2b. if saved without conflict, exit with updated state
/// 2b. if conflicting changes, retry by recommencing at step 1 with the updated state
let run (log : ILogger) (maxSyncAttempts : int, resyncRetryPolicy, createMaxAttemptsExhaustedException)
let run (log : Serilog.ILogger) (maxSyncAttempts : int, resyncRetryPolicy, createMaxAttemptsExhaustedException)
(context : SyncContext<'event, 'state>)
(decide : Equinox.ISyncContext<'state> -> Async<'result * 'event list>)
(mapResult : 'result -> SyncContext<'event, 'state> -> 'view)
: Async<'view> =
(decide : StreamToken * 'state -> Async<'result * 'event list>)
(mapResult : 'result -> StreamToken * 'state -> 'view) : Async<'view> =

if maxSyncAttempts < 1 then raise <| System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxSyncAttempts", maxSyncAttempts, "should be >= 1")

/// Run a decision cycle - decide what events should be appended given the presented state
let rec loop attempt : Async<'view> = async {
let log = if attempt = 1 then log else log.ForContext("syncAttempt", attempt)
let! result, events = decide (context :> Equinox.ISyncContext<'state>)
let! result, events = decide context.CurrentTokenAndState
if List.isEmpty events then
log.Debug "No events generated"
return mapResult result context
return mapResult result context.CurrentTokenAndState
elif attempt = maxSyncAttempts then
// Special case: on final attempt, we won't be `resync`ing; we're giving up
let! committed = context.TryWithoutResync(log, events)
if not committed then
log.Debug "Max Sync Attempts exceeded"
return raise (createMaxAttemptsExhaustedException attempt)
return mapResult result context
return mapResult result context.CurrentTokenAndState
let! committed = context.TryOrResync(resyncRetryPolicy, attempt, log, events)
if not committed then
log.Debug "Resyncing and retrying"
return! loop (attempt + 1)
return mapResult result context }
return mapResult result context.CurrentTokenAndState }

// Commence, processing based on the incoming state
loop 1
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65 changes: 43 additions & 22 deletions src/Equinox/Decider.fs
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open Equinox.Core
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

/// Store-agnostic Loading Options
[<NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type LoadOption<'state> =
/// No special requests; Obtain latest state from store based on consistency level configured
| RequireLoad
/// If the Cache holds any state, use that without checking the backing store for updates, implying:
/// - maximizing how much we lean on Optimistic Concurrency Control when doing a `Transact` (you're still guaranteed a consistent outcome)
/// - enabling stale reads [in the face of multiple writers (either in this process or in other processes)] when doing a `Query`
| AllowStale
/// Inhibit load from database based on the fact that the stream is likely not to have been initialized yet
| AssumeEmpty
/// <summary>Instead of loading from database, seed the loading process with the supplied memento, obtained via <c>ISyncContext.CreateMemento()</c></summary>
| FromMemento of memento : (StreamToken * 'state)

/// Exception yielded by Decider.Transact after `count` attempts have yielded conflicts at the point of syncing with the Store
type MaxResyncsExhaustedException(count) =
inherit exn(sprintf "Concurrency violation; aborting after %i attempts." count)
Expand All @@ -28,51 +14,86 @@ type Decider<'event, 'state>
[<Optional; DefaultParameterValue(null)>] ?resyncPolicy,
?allowStale) =

let load : LoadOption<'state> option -> _ = function
let load : LoadOption<'state> option -> (Serilog.ILogger -> Async<StreamToken * 'state>) = function
| None when allowStale = Some true -> fun log -> stream.Load(log, true)
| None | Some RequireLoad -> fun log -> stream.Load(log, false)
| Some AllowStale -> fun log -> stream.Load(log, true)
| Some AssumeEmpty -> fun _log -> async { return stream.LoadEmpty() }
| Some (FromMemento (streamToken, state)) -> fun _log -> async { return (streamToken, state) }
let query option = Flow.query (load option log)
let query option project = async {
let! tokenAndState = load option log
return project tokenAndState }
let transact option decide mapResult =
let resyncPolicy = defaultArg resyncPolicy (fun _log _attemptNumber resyncF -> async { return! resyncF })
let createDefaultAttemptsExhaustedException attempts : exn = MaxResyncsExhaustedException attempts :> exn
let createAttemptsExhaustedException = defaultArg createAttemptsExhaustedException createDefaultAttemptsExhaustedException
Flow.transact (load option) (maxAttempts, resyncPolicy, createAttemptsExhaustedException) (stream, log) decide mapResult
let (|Context|) (token, state) =
{ new ISyncContext<'state> with
member _.State = state
member _.Version = token.version
member _.CreateMemento() = token, state }

/// 0. Invoke the supplied <c>interpret</c> function with the present state
/// 1a. (if events yielded) Attempt to sync the yielded events events to the stream
/// 1b. Tries up to <c>maxAttempts</c> times in the case of a conflict, throwing <c>MaxResyncsExhaustedException</c> to signal failure.
member _.Transact(interpret : 'state -> 'event list, ?option) : Async<unit> =
transact option (fun context -> async { return (), interpret context.State }) (fun () _context -> ())
transact option (fun (_token, state) -> async { return (), interpret state }) (fun () _context -> ())

/// 0. Invoke the supplied <c>decide</c> function with the present state, holding the <c>'result</c>
/// 1a. (if events yielded) Attempt to sync the yielded events events to the stream
/// 1b. Tries up to <c>maxAttempts</c> times in the case of a conflict, throwing <c>MaxResyncsExhaustedException</c> to signal failure.
/// 2. Yield result
member _.Transact(decide : 'state -> 'result * 'event list, ?option) : Async<'result> =
transact option (fun context -> async { return decide context.State }) (fun result _context -> result)
transact option (fun (_token, state) -> async { return decide state }) (fun result _context -> result)

/// 0. Invoke the supplied <c>_Async_</c> <c>decide</c> function with the present state, holding the <c>'result</c>
/// 1a. (if events yielded) Attempt to sync the yielded events events to the stream
/// 1b. Tries up to <c>maxAttempts</c> times in the case of a conflict, throwing <c>MaxResyncsExhaustedException</c> to signal failure.
/// 2. Yield result
member _.Transact(decide : 'state -> Async<'result * 'event list>, ?option) : Async<'result> =
transact option (fun context -> decide context.State) (fun result _context -> result)
transact option (fun (_token, state) -> decide state) (fun result _context -> result)

/// 0. Invoke the supplied <c>_Async_</c> <c>decide</c> function with the present state (including extended context), holding the <c>'result</c>
/// 1a. (if events yielded) Attempt to sync the yielded events events to the stream
/// 1b. Tries up to <c>maxAttempts</c> times in the case of a conflict, throwing <c>MaxResyncsExhaustedException</c> to signal failure.
/// 2. Uses <c>mapResult</c> to render the final 'view from the <c>'result</c> and/or the final <c>ISyncContext</c>
/// 3. Yields the 'view
member _.TransactEx(decide : ISyncContext<'state> -> Async<'result * 'event list>, mapResult : 'result -> ISyncContext<'state> -> 'view, ?option) : Async<'view> =
transact option decide mapResult
transact option (fun (Context c) -> decide c) (fun r (Context c) -> mapResult r c)

/// Project from the folded <c>'state</c>, without executing a decision flow as <c>Transact</c> does
member _.Query(projection : 'state -> 'view, ?option) : Async<'view> =
query option (fun context -> projection context.State)
query option (fun (_token, state) -> projection state)

/// Project from the stream's <c>'state<c> (including extended context), without executing a decision flow as <c>Transact<c> does
member _.QueryEx(projection : ISyncContext<'state> -> 'view, ?option) : Async<'view> =
query option projection
query option (fun (Context c) -> projection c)

/// Store-agnostic Loading Options
and [<NoComparison; NoEquality>] LoadOption<'state> =
/// No special requests; Obtain latest state from store based on consistency level configured
| RequireLoad
/// If the Cache holds any state, use that without checking the backing store for updates, implying:
/// - maximizing how much we lean on Optimistic Concurrency Control when doing a `Transact` (you're still guaranteed a consistent outcome)
/// - enabling stale reads [in the face of multiple writers (either in this process or in other processes)] when doing a `Query`
| AllowStale
/// Inhibit load from database based on the fact that the stream is likely not to have been initialized yet
| AssumeEmpty
/// <summary>Instead of loading from database, seed the loading process with the supplied memento, obtained via <c>ISyncContext.CreateMemento()</c></summary>
| FromMemento of memento : (StreamToken * 'state)

/// Exposed by TransactEx / QueryEx, providing access to extended state information for cases where that's required
and ISyncContext<'state> =

/// Exposes the underlying Store's internal Version for the underlying stream.
/// An empty stream is Version 0; one with a single event is Version 1 etc.
/// It's important to consider that this Version is more authoritative than inspecting the `Index` of the last event passed to
/// your `fold` function - the codec may opt to ignore it
abstract member Version : int64

/// The present State of the stream within the context of this Flow
abstract member State : 'state

/// Represents a Checkpoint position on a Stream's timeline; Can be used to manage continuations via LoadOption.Memento
abstract member CreateMemento : unit -> StreamToken * 'state