This is a Kubernetes cluster that includes logging, monitoring, and operational knowledge. It is comprised of the following components and features:
- Kubernetes (automated deployment, operations, and scaling)
- Three node Kubernetes cluster with one master and two worker nodes.
- TLS used for communication between nodes for security.
- Flannel Software Defined Network (SDN) plugin
- A load balancer for HA kubernetes-master (Experimental)
- Optional Ingress Controller (on worker)
- Optional Dashboard addon (on master) including Heapster for cluster monitoring
- EasyRSA
- Performs the role of a certificate authority serving self signed certificates to the requesting units of the cluster.
- Etcd (distributed key value store)
- Three node cluster for reliability.
- Elastic stack
- Two nodes for ElasticSearch
- One node for a Kibana dashboard
- Beats on every Kubernetes and Etcd node:
- Filebeat for forwarding logs to ElasticSearch
- Topbeat for inserting server monitoring data to ElasticSearch
This bundle is for multi-node deployments, for individual deployments for developers, use the smaller kubernetes-core bundle.
If you are operating behind a proxy (i.e., your charms are running in a limited-egress environment and can not reach IP addresses external to their network), you will need to configure your model appropriately before deploying the Kubernetes bundle.
First, configure your model's http-proxy
and https-proxy
settings with your
proxy (here we use squid.internal:3128
as an example):
$ juju model-config http-proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 https-proxy=https://squid.internal:3128
Because services often need to reach machines on their own network (including
themselves), you will also need to add localhost
to the no-proxy
configuration setting, along with any internal subnets you're using. The
following example includes two subnets:
$ juju model-config no-proxy=localhost,,
After deploying the bundle, you need to configure the kubernetes-worker
to use your proxy:
$ juju config kubernetes-worker http_proxy=http://squid.internal:3128 https_proxy=https://squid.internal:3128
juju deploy canonical-kubernetes
This will deploy the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes offering with default constraints. This is useful for lab environments, however for real-world use you should provide higher CPU and memory instances to kubernetes-worker units.
You can increase the constraints by editing the
to fit your needs by removing the #
comment character.
juju deploy ./bundle.yaml
Note: If you're operating behind a proxy, remember to set the
proxy configuration options as described in the Proxy configuration section above.
This bundle exposes the kubeapi-load-balancer and kibana charms by default This means those charms are accessible through their public addresses.
If you would like to remove external access, unexpose the applications:
juju unexpose kibana
juju unexpose kubeapi-load-balancer
To get the status of the deployment, run juju status
. For a constant update,
this can be used with watch
watch -c juju status --color
In order to support restricted-network deployments, the charms in this bundle support juju resources.
This allows you to juju attach
the resources built for the architecture of
your cloud.
juju attach kubernetes-master kubernetes=~/path/to/kubernetes-master.tar.gz
is an interactive, terminal UI deployment tool for Juju bundles.
After installing conjure-up, you can deploy the canonical-kubernetes bundle and
tweak config values with one command:
sudo apt install conjure-up
conjure-up canonical-kubernetes
Refer to the conjure-up documentation to learn more.
After the cluster is deployed you may assume control over the Kubernetes cluster from any kubernetes-master, or kubernetes-worker node.
To download the credentials and client application to your local workstation:
Create the kubectl config directory.
mkdir -p ~/.kube
Copy the kubeconfig file to the default location.
juju scp kubernetes-master/0:config ~/.kube/config
Fetch a binary for the architecture you have deployed. If your client is a
different architecture you will need to get the appropriate kubectl
through other means.
juju scp kubernetes-master/0:kubectl ./kubectl
Query the cluster.
./kubectl cluster-info
The Kubernetes dashboard addon is installed by default, along with Heapster,
Grafana and InfluxDB for cluster monitoring. The dashboard addons can be
enabled or disabled by setting the enable-dashboard-addons
config on the
juju config kubernetes-master enable-dashboard-addons=true
To access the dashboard, you may establish a secure tunnel to your cluster with the following command:
./kubectl proxy
By default, this establishes a proxy running on your local machine and the
kubernetes-master unit. To reach the Kubernetes dashboard, visit
kubectl is the command line utility to interact with a Kubernetes cluster.
To check the state of the cluster:
./kubectl cluster-info
List all nodes in the cluster:
./kubectl get nodes
Now you can run pods inside the Kubernetes cluster:
./kubectl create -f example.yaml
List all pods in the cluster:
./kubectl get pods
List all services in the cluster:
./kubectl get services
For expanded information on kubectl beyond what this README provides, please see the kubectl overview which contains practical examples and an API reference.
Additionally if you need to manage multiple clusters, there is more information about configuring kubectl with the kubectl config guide
The kubernetes-worker charm supports deploying an NGINX ingress controller. Ingress allows access from the Internet to containers inside the cluster running web services.
First allow the Internet access to the kubernetes-worker charm with with the following Juju command:
juju expose kubernetes-worker
In Kubernetes, workloads are declared using pod, service, and ingress definitions. An ingress controller is provided to you by default, deployed into the default namespace of the cluster. If one is not available, you may deploy this with:
juju config kubernetes-worker ingress=true
Ingress resources are DNS mappings to your containers, routed through endpoints
As an example for users unfamiliar with Kubernetes, we packaged an action to both deploy an example and clean itself up.
To deploy 5 replicas of the microbot web application inside the Kubernetes cluster run the following command:
juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot replicas=5
This action performs the following steps:
It creates a deployment titled 'microbots' comprised of 5 replicas defined during the run of the action. It also creates a service named 'microbots' which binds an 'endpoint', using all 5 of the 'microbots' pods.
Finally, it will create an ingress resource, which points at a domain to simulate a proper DNS service.
You can run a Juju action to create an example microbot web application:
$ juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot replicas=3
Action queued with id: db7cc72b-5f35-4a4d-877c-284c4b776eb8
$ juju show-action-output db7cc72b-5f35-4a4d-877c-284c4b776eb8
status: completed
completed: 2016-09-26 20:42:42 +0000 UTC
enqueued: 2016-09-26 20:42:39 +0000 UTC
started: 2016-09-26 20:42:41 +0000 UTC
Note: Your FQDN will be different and contain the address of the cloud instance.
At this point, you can inspect the cluster to observe the workload coming online.
$ kubectl get pods
default-http-backend-kh1dt 1/1 Running 0 1h
microbot-1855935831-58shp 1/1 Running 0 1h
microbot-1855935831-9d16f 1/1 Running 0 1h
microbot-1855935831-l5rt8 1/1 Running 0 1h
nginx-ingress-controller-hv5c2 1/1 Running 0 1h
$ kubectl get services,endpoints
svc/default-http-backend <none> 80/TCP 1h
svc/kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 1h
svc/microbot <none> 80/TCP 1h
ep/default-http-backend 1h
ep/kubernetes 1h
ep/microbot,, 1h
$ kubectl get ingress
microbot-ingress 80 1h
When all the pods are listed as Running, the endpoint has more than one host you are ready to visit the address in the hosts section of the ingress listing.
It is normal to see a 502/503 error during initial application turnup.
As you refresh the page, you will be greeted with a microbot web page, serving from one of the microbot replica pods. Refreshing will show you another microbot with a different hostname, as the requests are load balanced through out the replicas.
There is also an action to clean up the microbot applications. When you are done using the microbot application you can delete them from the pods with one Juju action:
juju run-action kubernetes-worker/0 microbot delete=true
If you no longer need Internet access to your workers remember to unexpose the kubernetes-worker charm:
juju unexpose kubernetes-worker
To learn more about Kubernetes Ingress and how to really tune the Ingress Controller beyond defaults (such as TLS and websocket support) view the nginx-ingress-controller project on github.
Any of the applications can be scaled out post-deployment. The charms update the status messages with progress, so it is recommended to run.
watch -c juju status --color
The kubernetes-worker nodes are the load-bearing units of a Kubernetes cluster.
By default pods are automatically spread throughout the kubernetes-worker units that you have deployed.
To add more kubernetes-worker units to the cluster:
juju add-unit kubernetes-worker
or specify machine constraints to create larger nodes:
juju set-constraints kubernetes-worker mem=32G cores=8
juju add-unit kubernetes-worker
Refer to the machine constraints documentation for other machine constraints that might be useful for the kubernetes-worker units.
Etcd is used as a key-value store for the Kubernetes cluster. For reliability the bundle defaults to three instances in this cluster.
For more scalability, we recommend between 3 and 9 etcd nodes. If you want to add more nodes:
juju add-unit etcd
The CoreOS etcd documentation has a chart for the optimal cluster size to determine fault tolerance.
ElasticSearch is used to hold all the log data and server information logged by Beats. You can add more Elasticsearch nodes by using the Juju command:
juju add-unit elasticsearch
The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes allows you to connect with durable storage devices such as Ceph. When paired with the Juju Storage feature you can add durable storage easily and across most public clouds.
Deploy a minimum of three ceph-mon and three ceph-osd charms.
juju deploy cs:ceph-mon -n 3
juju deploy cs:ceph-osd -n 3
Relate the charms:
juju add-relation ceph-mon ceph-osd
List the storage pools available to Juju for your cloud:
$ juju storage-pools
Name Provider Attrs
ebs ebs
ebs-ssd ebs volume-type=ssd
loop loop
rootfs rootfs
tmpfs tmpfs
Note: This listing is for the Amazon Web Services public cloud. Different clouds may have different pool names.
Add a storage pool to the ceph-osd charm by NAME,SIZE,COUNT:
juju add-storage ceph-osd/0 osd-devices=ebs,10G,1
juju add-storage ceph-osd/1 osd-devices=ebs,10G,1
juju add-storage ceph-osd/2 osd-devices=ebs,10G,1
Next relate the storage cluster with the Kubernetes cluster:
juju add-relation kubernetes-master ceph-mon
We are now ready to enlist Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes which our workloads can consume via Persistent Volume (PV) claims.
juju run-action kubernetes-master/0 create-rbd-pv name=test size=50
This example created a "test" Radios Block Device (rbd) in the size of 50 MB.
Use watch on your Kubernetes cluster like the following, you should see the PV become enlisted and be marked as available:
$ watch kubectl get pv
test 50M RWO Available 10s
To consume these Persistent Volumes, your pods will need an associated Persistant Volume Claim with them, and is outside the scope of this README. See the Persistant Volumes documentation for more information.
The Kibana dashboard can display real time graphs and charts on the details of the cluster. The Beats charms are sending metrics to Elasticsearch and Kibana displays the data with graphs and charts.
Get the charm's public address from the juju status
- Access Kibana by browser: http://KIBANA_IP_ADDRESS/
- Select the index pattern that you want as default from the left menu.
- Click the green star button to make this index a default.
- Select "Dashboard" from the Kibana header.
- Click the open folder icon to Load a Saved Dashboard.
- Select the "Topbeat Dashboard" from the left menu.
The following are known issues and limitations with the bundle and charm code:
- Destroying the the easyrsa charm will result in loss of public key infrastructure (PKI).