Table of contents:
Laravel 2-Step verification is a package to add 2-Step user authentication to any Laravel project easily. It is configurable and customizable. It uses notifications to send the user an email with a 4-digit verification code.
Laravel 2-Step Authentication Verification for Laravel. Can be used in out the box with Laravel's authentication scaffolding or integrated into other projects.
- Readme
- Screenshots
- Have more configurable options via the config file to run to env file. For:
- Optional compiled CSS/JS
- Optional use of modals/alerts in front end with optional sweetalert2.js
- Configurable blade extensions options.
- Its own HTML email template.
- Make Facade
- Unit Tests
- Travis-CI Integration.
- Add in additional notifications for SMS or ???.
- Add in capture IP Address.
- Change to incremental tables and logic accordingly
- Create Artisan command and job to prune said entries.
Laravel-monitor is licensed under the MIT license. Enjoy!