Let Me Know! is a user-facing notification service. Want to be the first to know when the lineout for ACL goes live? Woot.com is selling a macbook air? George R. R. Martin has blogged about the next ASOIAF book? lmk! is the answer. lmk! will notify you by email when an event you've set occurs.
go get -u github.com/jeady/lmk/lmk
cp $GOPATH/pkg/github.com/jeady/lmk/config/lmk.conf.sample lmk.conf
cp $GOPATH/pkg/github.com/jeady/lmk/config/rules.conf.sample rules.conf
vim -p lmk.conf rules.conf
lmk test-all
It is highly recommended that you also run lmk test-smtp
to test that
notifications will be delivered.
It is also recommended that you add lmk run-all
to a cron job so that it will
run periodically. In the future, lmk! will provide a daemon mode that may be
used instead.
A package for Arch Linux will be provided in the future.
For more options, run lmk help
Global program configuration is done by modifying lmk.conf (or whatever file is specified using -c on the command line). Rules are entered into rules.conf (or whatever rule file is specified in lmk.conf). For examples and available options, read config/lmk.conf.sample and config/rules.conf.sample.
I am always looking for ideas to add as triggers (or anything else). Please do feel free to open an issue tagged as 'question' or 'enhancement' if you'd like to comment or suggest.