This folder is where you can add your own modified KPP mechanism. The default files in this folder are based on the fullchem mechanism.
custom.kpp: Master KPP specification file (which is a copy of ../fullchem/fullchem.kpp). The *gckpp.kpp file symbolically links to this file.
custom.eqn: KPP equation file (which is a copy of ../fullchem/fullchem.eqn).
The following files link to files in the KPP/fullchem folder. If you need to modify these, consider removing the symbolic links and making a copy of these files. You can rename these to custom_*.F90, etc.
fullchem_HetStateFuncs.F90: This is a symbolic link to the file ../fullchem/fullchem_HetStateFuncs.F90, which is the module containing functions that initialize the HetChem state object. This module is only needed for full-chemistry simulations.
fullchem_SulfurChemFuncs.F90: This is a symbolic link to the file ../fullchem/fullchem_SulfurChemFuncs.F90. This contains subroutines to compute rates for SO2 reactions in cloud, and only applies to full-chemistry simulations.
fullchem_RateLawFuncs.F90: This is a symbolic link to the file ../fullchem/fullchem_RateLawFuncs.F90. This contains functions to compute rates for heterogenous chemistry reactions, and only applies to full-chemistry simulations.
rateLawUtilFuncs.F90: This module contains several utility functions for heterogeneous chemistry reactions (mostly for the full-chemistry simulations).
With the exception of the symbolic link gckpp.kpp, all files starting with the prefix "gckpp_" are generated by KPP-for-GEOS-Chem. These contain the specifications of the chemical mechanism in efficient source code.
For more information, please see our KPP-for-GEOS-Chem documentation at: