This is an extension for Google Chrome (tm) which adds a "Capture" button, sending the site address, title, and selected text (if any) to emacs via org-protocol, see the Org-Mode site for instructions for setting that up org-protocol. The extentsion itself is available at the Chrome App Store.
This extension has room for improvement; Specifically, people would probably like to choose template letters other than the ones I picked for them. If you wish to add a small "options" page with an ability to select handler letters, that would be cool.
Either via the Chrome App Store or by dragging the extension folder to the "Extensions" tab in Chrome. If the latter is the chosen procedure then one needs to enable developer mode first, if I'm not mistaken. Note that if you choose to have a local-install, then you need to choose some icon and name it org-mode-unicorn.png, placing it in the extension's folder. Or, you can name it anything you want, but then you need to update manifest.json.
Note: The first time you use the extension, Chrome will ask you allow it to run open ....
(on OSX) or xdg-open ...
(on Linux), or ??? (On Windows). Those are the standard system mechanisms for dispatching a file/URL to the appropriate handler, so you should accept the request.
Detailed instructions available at Org-Mode site.
The gist of it is to make your system recognize emacsclient as the handler of org-protocol://
links. In addition, one needs to set up emacs to load org-protocol and to set up capture templates.
cat > "${HOME}/.local/share/applications/org-protocol.desktop" << EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=emacsclient %u
And then (for non-KDE)
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/
or for KDE
Start Applescript Editor. Paste the following snippet:
on emacsclient(input)
do shell script "/Applications/ -n -c -a \"/Applications/\" '" & input & "'"
end emacsclient
on open location input
end open location
on open inputs
repeat with raw_input in inputs
set input to POSIX path of raw_input
end repeat
end open
on run
do shell script emacsclient("")
end run
Adjust the paths and save it (with 'type' as Application) under /Applications/
(or whatever else you choose).
Edit (with Xcode) the file /Applications/
And add there the following:
and restart the desktop. You can also download, which I prepared in advance, if you are lazy.
See instructions on Org-Mode site, and contribute them here with a pull request :-).
If some text is selected before the button is clicked, then the following is sent to emacs:
If nothing is selected, then instead the following is sent:
This means that you need to have appropriate capture templates for "L" and for "p". Example templates below:
(setq org-capture-templates `(
("p" "Protocol" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory "") "Inbox")
"* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n #+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n\n%?")
("L" "Protocol Link" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory "") "Inbox")
"* %? [[%:link][%:description]] \nCaptured On: %U")
Hint: You can put code in capture handlers via %() blocks. I use this mechanism to automatically close the newly crated frame in the L template. If anyone cares to know, I'll add the details.
If you wish to automatically close the emacs frame after a capture, add the following template:
("L" "Protocol Link" entry (file+headline ,(concat org-directory "") "Inbox")
"* %? [[%:link][%:description]] %(progn (setq kk/delete-frame-after-capture 2) \"\")\nCaptured On: %U"
:empty-lines 1)
and in the initialization of org-mode put:
;; Kill the frame if one was created for the capture
(defvar kk/delete-frame-after-capture 0 "Whether to delete the last frame after the current capture")
(defun kk/delete-frame-if-neccessary (&rest r)
((= kk/delete-frame-after-capture 0) nil)
((> kk/delete-frame-after-capture 1)
(setq kk/delete-frame-after-capture (- kk/delete-frame-after-capture 1)))
(setq kk/delete-frame-after-capture 0)
(advice-add 'org-capture-finalize :after 'kk/delete-frame-if-neccessary)
(advice-add 'org-capture-kill :after 'kk/delete-frame-if-neccessary)
(advice-add 'org-capture-refile :after 'kk/delete-frame-if-neccessary)
This repository is licensed as MIT license, see the LICENSE file for details.