From a suggested list of options each developer must select a topic to go in depth and create 30 minutes talk distributed as follows.
- 15 minutes talk
- 15 minutes demo
The idea is to create a public available knowledge base with the talks and demos created to be used as internal reference.
Other objective is to do an assessment of the skills and evaluate how the developer face the challenge of dealing with new techonologies.
The talk and the code for the demo must be hosted on github in a public repository with its respective README file including a brief description of the talk and the neccessary information to run the demo. The code must be extensively documented.
The demo must contain a README file with the neccessary intructions and requirements to be executed
Also, is suggested to use the following structure
- src - contains the documented source code for the demo
- bin - contains the generated or processed (minified, concatenated, linted, etc..) files by a grunt process)
- or README.markdown
- package.json - in case of needing node dependencies
- Gruntfile.js - in case of using grunt
- Angularjs
- Backbone.js
- Ember
- Typescript
- Asm.js
- Emscripten
- AMD Libraries (Require.js, Browserify)
- Promises (concept, libraries)
- CommonJS
- Grunt
- Bower
- Yeoman
- Modernizr
- CSS3 shaders
- CSS3 transitions
- Flexbox
- Bootstrap (or any other CSS/HTML framework)
- Responsive Design Techniques
- Shadow Dom (Native approach and Polymer)
- ES6
- WebGL (Three.js or any other WebGL library)
- Canvas (EaselJS or any other canvas library)
- Web Sockets ( or any other socket library)
- WebRTC
- node.js
- express (or any other node.js MVC)
- Unit Testing (jasmine, qunit, etc...)
- Debugging (Javascript, CSS)