A collection of programmatic examples of SSJS, WSProxy, Ampscript, and SQL for use within Salesforce Marketing Cloud. More than happy for Pull Requests if anyone wants to add their own.
- Add to a DE
- Delete rows from a DE
- Retrieve filtered DE rows
- Use REST API to retrieve email content
- Create a webhook with GetPostData
- Validate a string as a Salesforce ID. Can also be used to convert 15 char ID to 18 char ID.
- Retrieve a REST API OAuth2 access token
- Create an Automation
- Create a Data Extension with data retention settings
- Create a triggered send
- Execute a LogUnsubEvent
- Perform a "clear data" action on a DE
- Perform a "start" action on an Automation
- Retrieve All Subscriber status from all child Business Units
- Retrieve Publication Lists status from all child Business Units
- Update a Data Extension name
- Retrieve and Update all Publication List statuses
- Update a single Publication List Status
- Update and rename multiple DEs
- Update a Query's DE target
- Retrieve a Query Activity
- DeleteBatch DEobject rows
- Retrieve Import Activity Results Summary