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Bash interface to get the energy, gradient, Hessian and dipole derivatives from Gromacs into a Gaussian run using the External keyword


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Interface to use MM calculations with Gromacs in Gaussian runs
Javier Cerezo, 

The interface consists of one bash script (
that manages the communication between Gromacs and Gaussian and 
three utilities (gau2gro, gro2gau, ddip_nonpolar) called by the 
script to deal  with the data preparation so as to exchange the 
information among Gromacs and Gaussian.

The interface allows one to use a Gromacs calculation as method 
within Gaussian (versions G09 and G16 tested) through the External 
keyword. A minimal example route section would be a single point 
calculation as follows:

# external=" -p"

The External method can be used in single point, force and frequency 
calculation. Optimizations (including constraint  optimizations) are 
also possible. The external method can also be used to specify the 
theoretical method of an ONIOM layer.

Third party code
This project uses code from the xdr library (licensed under GPLv3):

The credits, from that project header read:
 * Copyright (c) Erik Lindahl, David van der Spoel 2003,2004.
 * Coordinate compression (c) by Frans van Hoesel.

The utilities are written in C and Fortran, thus valid compilers
for such languages are needed (e.g., gcc and gfotran). 
The compilation can be performed from source/ folder using the simple
Makefile provided. Concretely typing:

 make                         - Compile the code in /source
 make install BINDIR=~/bin    - Install the binaries in ~/bin. Any other
                                path can be specified (but one MUST be 
 make clean                   - Delete binaries

After compilation, both utilitities and the main bash script should be
placed on a folder that is in the PATH of your system.

Configuring Gromacs setting:
The script should work with versions >= 4.5 but some configuration is
needed to account for syntax changes in most recent versions.
The configuration settings are specified in the file
("GROMACS CONFIGURATION SECTION"). The following variables are set
gmxcall     - Name of the general gmx caller (in versons >5)
              Values: "" | gmx | gmx_d | gmx_mpi_d | (other caller names may apply)
gmxprefix   - sufix for tools (as g_energy in versions <5).
              Vaules: g_ | ""
gmxsufix    - sufix depending on compilation options (version <5): 
              Vaules: _d | _mpi_d | "" | (other suffix may be applicable)
dumprefix   - prefix for dump program (gmxdump in versions <5)
              Values: gmx | ""
addmdpgroup - handles the fact that 'group' scheme is needed, but since then
              introduction of the 'verlet' scheme, one needs to explicitely
              indicate the scheme through a new mdp option in versions >v5.
              When this option is needed (>v5), the variable must be true.
              Values: true | false

Example for version >5 compiled with mpi and double precision:

The interface is called using the External keyword in the Gaussian route

# JobType External=" [options]"

where JobType is the type of run as usual (SP, Opt, Freq...). The interface
can be called with arguments in the route section, indicated as "-flag value"
The following options can be specified:

Flag     Ex. Value       Description
-p       Topology file
-noclean (no arg)        Do not clean the directory
                         after the run (i.e., leave
                         intermediate Gromacs files)
An additional argument can be given (with no -flag) which
is interpreted as the name of a paramter file, e.g. parameters.dat  

A topology file is mandatory (if not specified, "" will be 
assumed). The optional parameter file specifies more options to tune 
the calculation, including the use of strucuture files to indicate
the molecules in the ONIOM layers and the possibility to apply the
Microiterations algotithm within Gromacs (as it is not available within
G09 with the External keyword). A complete list of options is shown 
below, in the systax they have in the file:

-- parameters.dat --
topfile_R         =       ; Topology of the R layer
topfile_M         =       ; Topology of the M layer
topfile_S         =       ; Topology of the S layer
grofile_R         = conf.g96        ; Structure in the R layer
grofile_M         = conf.g96        ; Structure in the M layer
grofile_S         = conf.g96        ; Structure in the S layer
nproc_gmx         = 1               ; integer - number of processors to use in the 
                                    ; Gromacs run (only 1 processor works for the moment)
save_intermediate = false           ; true/false - controls if intermediate files are saved
job_type          = SinglePoint     ; SinglePoint/Minim - use minim for Microiterations
aa2ua_file        = aa2au.dat       ; File with mapping between All-Atoms and United-Atoms
-- parameters.dat --

Notes about the External keyword
The External program cannot be used for geometry optimizations wit Microiterations 
(althought this can be solved letting the Gromacs do such steps). There is however, 
a more relevant issue that is probably connected to the above limitaion: Gasussian 
ignores the modredundant section (e.g., to perform a constrained minimization) with 
an External method by default. The modredundant section can be used adding "Opt(NoMicro)" 
to the route section.

Here you have some example route sections:

* Single point calculation with MM potential
# SP External=" -p"

* Optimization and frequencies with MM potential
# Opt Freq External=" -p"

* Constrained optimization with MM potential
# Opt(modredundant,nomicro) External=" -p"

* ONIOM calculation, using the MM potential as the low layer:
# SP ONIOM(B3LYP/6-31G(d):External=" parameters.dat")
(the paremeters.dat file should indicate the topologies of the different layers)


Bash interface to get the energy, gradient, Hessian and dipole derivatives from Gromacs into a Gaussian run using the External keyword







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