This simple tool will allow you to make anonymizerd clone of your database.
yarn global add "anonymizer-mysql"
npm install --global "anonymizer-mysql"
You need to create a config(.json) file like this:
"source_db": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"database": "source",
"port": "3306"
"target_db": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"database": "target",
"port": "3306"
"rules": [
"table": "users",
"fields": [
"field": "username",
"apply": "substring(md5(username),1,8)"
"field": "password",
"apply": "'da248eeaffa573da8c323c3eb56aaf32ec6ce244e401a24c55f30c907d0bbfb5'"
"field": "surname",
"apply": "substring(md5(surname),1,8)"
"field": "name",
"apply": "substring(md5(name),1,8)"
"field": "email",
"apply": "concat(substring(md5(email),1,8), '')"
"field": "birthDate",
"apply": "birthDate - INTERVAL FLOOR(RAND() * 30) DAY"
"field": "photo",
"apply": "''"
"where": "rolId = 5"
"table": "users",
"fields": [
"field": "password",
"apply": "'da248eeaffa573da8c323c3eb56aaf32ec6ce244e401a24c55f30c907d0bbfb5'"
"field": "surname",
"apply": "substring(md5(surname),1,8)"
"field": "name",
"apply": "substring(md5(name),1,8)"
"where": "rolId = 1"
"table": "users",
"insertIgnore": true,
"fields": [
"field": "username",
"apply": "'johndoe'"
"field": "surname",
"apply": "'Doe'"
"field": "password",
"apply": "'3452343452AFF'"
"field": "name",
"apply": "'John'"
You need to configure the database connections. "source_db" referred to the original database to anonymize. "target_db" referred to the anonymized clone of the "source_db". Be care, in this process, the "target_db" database is going to be destroyed.
You need to configure rules to apply to a field of one table.
The "apply" JSON attribute indicates the MySQL function to execute, here your anonymizer function for this field. For example, use "substring(md5(name),1,8)" for anonymize the field called name.
For conditional queries use the JSON attribute "where".
You can create many conditional queries for the same table. See the example.
You can use "insertIgnore" as attribute and set it true if you want do a "INSERT IGNORE' instead of "UPDATE" query,
Once you has been created a config(.json) file, you can use this tool with: Usage: anonymizer-mysql [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --force Overwrite the clone db if it already exists.
-c, --conf <file> Config file. Default: config.json
-d, --dump <file> Path to mysqldump. Default: system mysqldump.
-8, --dumpv8 If you use MySQL v8.x dump. (--column-statistics=0)
-m, --mysql <file> Path to mysql. Default: system mysql.
-h, --help output usage information