#Cloud Cache
Cloud cache is a library for sharing memory across compute nodes. It utilizes a simpler version of the memcached protocol. While currently running on the Linux kernel, the goal is to implement this on Composite, a component-based operating system.
This code is under development at this time and unstable. I'll add more information once this is closer to deployment.
There are three commands currently working: GET, SET, DELETE. They expect the follow formats:
GET: get "key"
SET: sets "key" "flags" "bytes" \r\n
"data block"\r\n
DELETE: delete "key"
The * means 1 or more keys are acceptable.
Possible error return values:
"ERROR\r\n": client sent a nonexistent command name
"CLIENT_ERROR "error"\r\n": Something wrong on the client side - wrong number of arguments for example
"SERVER_ERROR "error"\r\n":
"error" indicates some sort of human readable error message.
More info and expected server responses can be found in the full memcached protocol description.
Feel free to send me questions at jcluck@gwmail.gwu.edu.