Search current completion options in CtrlP
All this plugin provides is a mapping: <Plug>(ctrlp_complete)
Map it like this to use <C-f>
to search completions when you can see a pum.
imap <expr> <C-f> pumvisible() ? '<Plug>(ctrlp_complete)' : '<C-f>'
If you don't use menu
or menuone
as a completeopt:
imap <C-f> <Plug>(ctrlp_complete)
Start a completion (e.g. <C-x><C-o>
) and press your mapping.
This will open CtrlP where you can search all possible completions.
There is also an autocmd
: User ctrlp_complete
When this autocmd
is triggered the selected completion is inserted
and you're in insert mode again.
" Always add a space after ctrlp complete has inserted your selection.
autocmd User ctrlp_complete call feedkeys(' ', 'n')
When you're using the autocmd
and want to select an entry without triggering the autocmd
you can use <C-s>
(mnemonic: silent).
It is the mapping for opening in a horizontal split. So by default <C-CR>
and <C-x>
work as well.
You have to have CtrlP installed. Install this plugin the same way.
Your Vim needs to support <CMD>
mappings. :h <Cmd>
should exist.
CtrlP Complete is distributed under Vim's license.
This plugin is based on this idea.