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Automatically Fetch Game Data Files #1223

Automatically Fetch Game Data Files

Automatically Fetch Game Data Files #1223

name: Automatically Fetch Game Data Files
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
name: Automatically Fetch Game Data Files
runs-on: windows-2019
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Check game version
run: |
if (Test-Path "./mods/core.stormmod/base.stormdata/buildid.txt") {
# Because the Content-Type is application/octet-stream, iwr automatically output as byte array
# So need to convert it back to string
$region = "us"
$response = Invoke-WebRequest "" -UseBasicParsing
$response = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($response.Content)
$response = $response -split "\n" | Select-String -Pattern '^#' -NotMatch
$header = $response[0]
# remove first line header
$null, $configs = $response
$buildIdIndex = -1
$regionIndex = -1
for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($header -split "\|").Count; $i++) {
$key = ($header -split "\|")[$i]
if ($key.ToLower() -like "region!*") {
$regionIndex = $i
if ($key.ToLower() -like "buildid!*") {
$buildIdIndex = $i
# Loops each config (region)
foreach ($config in $configs) {
$regionExtracted = ($config -split "\|")[$regionIndex]
if ($regionExtracted -eq $region) {
$buildIdExtracted = ($config -split "\|")[$buildIdIndex]
$modsBuild = Get-Content "./mods/core.stormmod/base.stormdata/buildid.txt"
Write-Output "$regionExtracted, buildidtxt: $modsBuild, uptsream: B$buildIdExtracted"
if ($modsBuild -eq ("B" + $buildIdExtracted)) {
Write-Error -Message "Current Gamedata is up to date. Abort." -ErrorAction Stop
- name: Download and Install
run: |
$ErrorView = 'NormalView'
Write-Output $(Invoke-WebRequest "").Content
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\"
Cscript.exe "./.github/workflows/install_bnet.vbs" //nologo
Get-Process | Where {$_.MainWindowTitle} | Select-Object ProcessName, MainWindowTitle
- name: Installing Heroes Of the Storm
run: |
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\BNetInstaller.exe"
& "C:\BNetInstaller.exe" --prod "hero" --lang "enus" --dir "C:/hero"
- name: Setup WSL
uses: Vampire/setup-wsl@v1
distribution: Debian
additional-packages: cmake libbz2-dev zlib1g-dev python build-essential curl git
use-cache: true
set-as-default: true
update: true
- name: Installing storm-extract
shell: wsl-bash_Debian {0}
run: |
git config --global http.sslverify false
git clone /storm-extract
cd /storm-extract
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cp /storm-extract/build/bin/storm-extract /usr/bin/storm-extract
cp /storm-extract/build/bin/ /usr/lib/
- name: Delete the mods folder
run: |
if (Test-Path "./mods") { Remove-Item "./mods" -Recurse -Force; }
- name: Extracting Game files
shell: wsl-bash_Debian {0}
run: |
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "xml" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "txt" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "galaxy" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormLayout" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormHotkeys" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormStyle" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormCutscene" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormComponents" -x
storm-extract -i "/mnt/c/hero/HeroesData" -o "." -v -t "StormLocale" -x
- name: Generate XSD File
run: |
# Check if tree is not clean
if($(&git status --porcelain) -ne $null) {
$buildVersionIdx = 12 # Default
$currIdx = 0
$buildInfoContent = $(Get-Content "C:/hero/")
$buildInfoHeader = $buildInfoContent[0]
$buildInfoFirstEntry = $buildInfoContent[1]
$buildInfoHeader -split "|", 0, "SimpleMatch" | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -like "Version*") {
Write-Output " version index:$currIdx = $_"
Set-Variable -Name "buildVersionIdx" -Value $currIdx
$gameVersion = ($buildInfoFirstEntry -split "|", 0, "SimpleMatch")[$buildVersionIdx]
Write-Output "Game Version: $gameVersion"
New-Item -Path "./_temp_" -ItemType "Directory" | Out-Null
if (-Not (Test-Path "./xsd")) {
New-Item -Path "./xsd" -ItemType "Directory" | Out-Null
Write-Output "Copying XML files to temp"
Get-ChildItem -Path "./mods" -Filter *.xml -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
$filePath = $_.FullName
$filePathHash = $(Get-FileHash -Path $filePath -Algorithm "md5").Hash
Copy-Item -Path $filePath "./_temp_/$filePathHash.xml" -Force
Write-Output "Generating XDS File"
&java -jar "./trang.jar" -I xml -O xsd "./_temp_/*.xml" "./xsd/$gameVersion.xsd"
# Replace latest.xsd
if (Test-Path "./xsd/latest.xsd") {
Remove-Item "./xsd/latest.xsd" -Recurse -Force
&java -jar "./trang.jar" -I xml -O xsd "./_temp_/*.xml" "./xsd/latest.xsd"
- name: Push Changes to Github
run: |
# Check if tree is not clean
if($(&git status --porcelain) -ne $null) {
$buildVersionIdx = 0 # Default
$currIdx = 0
$buildInfoContent = $(Get-Content "C:/hero/")
$buildInfoHeader = $buildInfoContent[0]
$buildInfoFirstEntry = $buildInfoContent[1]
$buildInfoHeader -split "|", 0, "SimpleMatch" | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -like "Version*") {
Write-Output " version index:$currIdx = $_"
Set-Variable -Name "buildVersionIdx" -Value $currIdx
$gameVersion = ($buildInfoFirstEntry -split "|", 0, "SimpleMatch")[$buildVersionIdx]
Write-Output "Game Version: $gameVersion"
git config --global 'Jamie Phan'
git config --global ''
git add "./mods"
git add "./xsd"
git commit -m "Updated Files to $gameVersion"
$commitHash = $(&git log --format="%H" -n 1)
&git tag -a "v$gameVersion" "$commitHash" -m "Game Version: $gameVersion"
Add-Content "./" -Value "`n- $gameVersion`: [``Commit``]($commitHash) | [``Tag``]($gameVersion) | [``XSD``](./xsd/$gameVersion.xsd)"
git add "./"
git commit -m "Updated with $gameVersion"
git push
git push --tags
} else {
Write-Output "No changes have been made to git. No updates were found"