These charts are mainly developed for community use and for the Erpf & Boghdady
- TODO update CI with
The Charts with its functionality is listed below:
- keycloak as an end-to-end identity and access management
- ory as an end-to-end identity and access management (replacement of Keycloak)
- bashub as terminal command history/repository with Bashhub
- vaultwarden as an personal password manager
- vault as an secret manager and store
- teleport as an cluster, virtual machine and database access service
- netmaker as a wireguard based software defined network service
- zerotier-bridge as a bridge into a zerotier network
- zerotier-controller as a controller for the zerotier software defined network
These charts are currently not available on the official helm repository therefore you need to download it to install.
helm repo add jakoberpf
helm install <release-name> jakoberpf/<chart-name>
These chart are also pushed into the Github Registry.
helm install <release-name> oci://<chart-name> --version <chart-version>
- Add vaultwarden backup solution
- Add vaultwarden tests with cli client