Welcome to the world of JCaml. Do you like to hump? Do you like to spit? JCaml has all these functions for you. To give you all the features of OCaml with the simplicity and ubiquity of JavaScript, JCaml has it all. This is our statically-typed, statically-scoped, superb language that cannot be beat. ##Features
This language has everything. It has pattern-matching, dictionary capabilities, list comprehension, recursive functions, higher-order functions, currying, and tuples. If you want it, it has it.
JCaml {
Program = Block
Block = Stmt*
Stmt = Decl | FuncDec | Exp | Print | FuncCall | Return
| "if" Exp Block
("else if" Exp Block)*
("else" Block)? -- if
Decl = "let" Type id "=" BinExp -- decl
FuncDec = "let fun" id "=" Params "=>" (Type)? Body
Type = "string" | "int" | "bool" | "char" | "float"
FuncCall = id "(" Args ")"
Arg = (id)?
Args = ListOf<Arg, ",">
Params = "(" (Param ("," Param)*)* ")"
Param = id
Body = ":" Block ";;"
Exp = Exp relop MatchExp -- binary
| MatchExp "?" MatchExp ":" MatchExp -- ternary
| MatchExp
MatchExp = "match" id "with" Matches -- matchexp
| BinExp
BinExp = BinExp binop AddExp -- binary
| AddExp
AddExp = AddExp addop MullExp -- binary
| MullExp
MullExp = MullExp mullop PrefixExp -- binary
| PrefixExp
PrefixExp = prefixop ExpoExp -- binary
| ExpoExp
ExpoExp = ParenExp expop ExpoExp -- binary
| ParenExp
ParenExp = "(" AddExp ")" -- parens
| numlit
| Tuplit
| List
| stringlit
| charlit
Matches = ("|" Exp "->" Exp)+
keyword = ("if" | "else" | "with" | "in" | "bool" | "int" | "string"
| "double" | "float" | "long" | "list" | "hump" | "tuplit" | "spit") ~idrest
prefixop = ~"--" "not" | "!" | "-" -- prefix
id = ~keyword letter idrest*
Tuplit = "(" BinExp "," BinExp ")"
List = "[" BinExp ("," BinExp)* "]" -- list
| "[]"
Print = "spit" "(" BinExp ")" -- print
Return = "hump" ParenExp
idrest = "_" | alnum | "@" | "$"
relop = ">" | ">=" | "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<="
addop = "+" | "-" | "::"
mullop = "*" | "/" | "%"
expop = "^"
binop = "||" | "or" | "&&" | "and"
numlit = digit+
char = escape
| ~"\\" ~"\"" ~"\'" ~"\\n" any
escape = "\\\\" | "\\\"" | "\\'" | "\\n" | "\\t"
| "\\u{" hexDigit+ "}" -- codepoint
charlit = "'" (char | "\"") "'"
stringlit = "\"" (char | "\'")* "\""
space := " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r" | comment
comment = "##" (~"\n" any)*
JCaml | JavaScript |
spit("Hello, World");; |
console.log("Hello World"); |
let fun fib = (a) => int :
if a == 0 or a == 1
hump 1
hump fib(a-1) + fib(1-2)
let fib = (a) => {
if (a == 0 || a == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2);
let fibDict = []
let fun fibMem = (a) => int :
if a == 0 or a == 1
hump 1
else if a in fibDict
hump fibDict[a]
fibDict[a] = fibMem(a-1) + fibMem(a-2)
hump fibDict[a]
let dictionary = {};
let fibMem = (a) => {
if(a == 0 || a == 1) {
return 1;
} else if(a in dictionary) {
return dictionary[a];
} else {
dictionary[a] = fibMem(a - 1) + fibMem(a - 2);
return dictionary[a];
let fun add = (a, b) => int :
hump a + b;
let fun add2 = add(2);;
let add = (a) => {
return (b) => {
return a + b;
let add2 = add(2);
let fun count_occurences = (v, l) => int :
match l with
| [] -> 0
| hd::[] -> hump hd == v ? 1 : 0
| hd::tl -> hump hd == v ? 1 + count_occurences(v, tl) : count_occurences(v, tl)
let count_occurences = (v, l) => {
let sum = 0;
for (let value of l) {
if(v === value) {
return sum;