In today's lesson we will do some analysis of Twitter data! If you want to follow along with the videos of this lesson, you can use this notebook.
First you will set up a virtual environment, install tweepy
and set some ENV variables.
Then we will retrieve PyBites tweets which we will put in a nice wordcloud in the shape of our PyBites logo.
Pretty exciting no?
We covered Twitter data analysis quite extensively on our blog. See the notebook for a listing of tools and challenges you can work on. As they are not small projects I bundled day 2 and 3 to focus on getting one working.
Be sure to share your last couple of days work on Twitter or Facebook. Use the hashtag #100DaysOfCode.
Here are some examples to inspire you. Consider including @talkpython and @pybites in your tweets.
See a mistake in these instructions? Please submit a new issue or fix it and submit a PR.