A biological sequence logo generator in SVG format, for the usage as a header-only library for cpp programs. The alphabets are given as any kinds of Unicode strings, such as "Ψ" (Greek) or "AU" (two characters).
$ git clone htpps://github.com/iyak/RNAlogo.git
$ cd RNAlogo
$ ./waf configure build
$ build/bin/RNAlogo-sample > sample.svg
The generated sample logo looks like,
I wrote for the demonstration the simplest logo generator which only accepts healthy data. See RNAlogo/main_stack.cpp. It is built in the way above. It runs like,
$ cat a.dat
$ cat a.dat | build/bin/RNAlogo-stack > a.svg
You can generate more flexible logos by tweeking the program for batch application. Place in your project and include the header file. Following is the example to generate sample-1.svg.
#include "logo.hpp"
using namespace iyak;
int main() {
RNAlogo logo;
/* font settings */
//logo.set_font("/Library/Fonts//AppleGothic.ttf"); // this step is done during configuration. see wscript.
/* geometory settings */
// logo.set_x_axis_height(0); // if you don't want position label.
/* color map settings */
logo.map_color("Ψ", "mediumpurple"); //HTML-like color name ok.
logo.map_color("Ψo", "#9932CC"); // multiple characters ok.
/* run */
{{1,22,4,93},{1,24,29, 3},{12,1,19,39},{5,1,51,2},{23,1,66,3},{56,2,4,6}}, // stack count
{{"A","C","G","Ψ"},{"A","C","G","U"},{"A","C","G","Ψo"},{"A","C","G","U"}, // each alphabet
{} // meta sequence. you can put meta sequence right under the logo. see sample2.
return 0;