A handy latex template to write the reponse to reviewers. Provides a custom document-class to hide the nasty latex setup.
- Custom sections and environments for a clean and consistent document
- Automatically builds the package on push to
- Prevents pushes from breaking the compilation
- Create a new release at midnight if there is new content
- This includes a changelog, and a compiled PDF
- A file structure that makes sense
Copy/paste the following into your project:
The other files are optional and can be ignored if their usage is removed (i.e. \input
for the reviewer_X.tex
or )
for references.bib
This template was primarily designed to work with the blang/latex-docker`` image, and
latex-workshop`` VSCode plugin. This is optional, do what you want!
Clone the repo with
git clone git@github.com:iwishiwasaneagle/LatexResponseToReviewersTemplate.git
then open VSCode in this container, and run the Remote Container
extension. This will open a new instance from within the docker container with all the extensions installed. Easy.
Clone the repo with
git clone git@github.com:iwishiwasaneagle/LatexResponseToReviewersTemplate.git
and compile with
latexmk response.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -pdf
This document class / template is a modified version of the example by Friedemann Zenke which was based on the examples by Dirk Eddelbuettel, Fran and others.