This script parses the iucogs/pubs database to find collections corresponding to entries in the SEP and then produces a JSON data structure with the following format:
{ id : # Citation ID
'sep_dirs' : ['', ... ], # SEP Dirs for collections
'possible_matches' : [###, ...], # Possible duplicates
'data' : { ... }, # Citation information
'checked' : bool # Human verified?
This will then be used by the HTRC-DID team for citation analysis.
git clone
cd pubsapi
virtualenv --system-site-packages pubsenv
source pubsenv/bin/activate
python develop
Configure pubs.ini from pubs.ini.template with the proper username and password.
Using the ORM:
from pubs.model import *
first_collection = session.query(Collection).first()
for citation in first_collection.citations:
print citation.title