whisper-merge-helper.sh -- programmatic help with merging StatsD whisper stores
-? show this help text
-s source_directory (example: /mnt/storage/api)
-t target_directory (example: /mnt/storage/api/v1)
-n StatsD namespace to cleanup
-p StatsD TCP interface (default: 8126)
-h StatsD TCP hostname (default: localhost)
-c Command to run (default: whisper-merge.py)
-f Force run. Do not exit on error
-d Dry run, and output debug information"
./whisper-merge-helper.sh -s example/source -t example/target -n .foo
echo $? #=> 0
./whisper-merge-helper.sh -s example/source -t example/target -n .foo -d
Dry run: whisper-merge.py example/source/count.wsp example/target/count.wsp
Dry run: whisper-merge.py example/source/rate.wsp example/target/rate.wsp
Dry run: echo 'delcounters .foo' | nc localhost 8126
Dry run: rm -r example/source
./whisper-merge-helper.sh -s example/source -t example/target -n .foo -d -c /opt/whisper.py
Dry run: /opt/whisper.py example/source/count.wsp example/target/count.wsp
Dry run: /opt/whisper.py example/source/rate.wsp example/target/rate.wsp
Dry run: echo 'delcounters .foo' | nc localhost 8126
Dry run: rm -r example/source