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iTESLA - IIDM-DDB module ========================== IIDM-DDB module must run in a jboss application server, coupled with a RDBMS Provided availability of RDBMS specific JDBC drivers, any RDBMS would be OK; that said, in this guide a MYSQL is assumed; Required software: - Mysql v 5.x , to be downloaded here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.5.html#downloads (mysql installation is not covered in this guide) - JDK 7 (JRE is not enough), to be downloaded here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (JDK installation is not covered in this guide) - apache Maven 3 http://maven.apache.org/ (maven installation is not covered in this guide) - Mysql JDBC drivers (latest version, writing time, is available here http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-5.1.23.tar.gz/from/http://cdn.mysql.com ) - Wildfly (JBoss 8) application server v8.1.0 Final, to be downloaded here: http://wildfly.org/downloads/ MYSQL iidm-ddb schema creation ---------------------------------------- execute the following 3-lines DDL script: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS itesladdb; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS itesladdb CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL ON itesladdb.* TO 'itesla'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'itesla'; GRANT ALL ON itesladdb.* TO 'itesla'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'itesla'; JBoss installation -------------------------------------- Installing JBoss means unzipping/untgz-ing the jboss archive in a directory (any folder will do), from here on let's call <JBOSS_HOME> the JBoss top folder JBoss configuration -------------------- 1) JBoss does not come with MYSQL JDBC drivers, to install them, copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar file (found in Mysql JDBC drivers .tar.gz archive ) in JBOSS_HOME/modules/com/mysql/main folder and, in order to make the application server aware of the new connectors, create a new JBOSS_HOME/modules/com/mysql/main/module.xml with the following content <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.mysql"> <resources> <resource-root path="mysql-connector-java-5.1.23-bin.jar"/> </resources> <dependencies> <module name="javax.api"/> </dependencies> </module> 2) edit JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml, and add these new configurations: in 'drivers' section <driver name="mysqlDriver" module="com.mysql"> <xa-datasource-class>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</xa-datasource-class> </driver> in 'datasources' section <datasource jndi-name="java:/MySQLDS" pool-name="MySQLDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/itesladdb?useUnicode=true&connectionCollation=utf8_general_ci&characterSetResults=utf8&characterEncoding=utf8</connection-url> <driver>mysqlDriver</driver> <security> <user-name>itesla</user-name> <password>itesla</password> </security> </datasource> in 'subsystem' section, edit property default-missing-method-permissions-deny-access <default-missing-method-permissions-deny-access value="false"/> 3) edit JBOSS_HOME\modules\system\layers\base\sun\jdk\main\module.xlm add <path name="com/sun/jndi/url/rmi"/> 4) defining two example users (application and management domains, in the default JBoss security domain) shell in JBOSS_HOME/bin ./add-user.sh select "b) Application User" press enter (leave default (ApplicationRealm) ) insert 'user' as 'Username' prompt insert 'password' as 'password' prompt reinsert 'password' as 'Re-enter Password' prompt insert 'user' at 'What roles ...' prompt enter 'yes' at prompt 'Is this correct yes/no' ? ./add-user.sh select "a) Management User" press enter (leave default (ApplicationRealm) ) insert 'admin' as 'Username' prompt insert 'password' as 'password' prompt reinsert 'password' as 'Re-enter Password' prompt enter 'yes' at prompt 'Is this correct yes/no' ? note: application users and roles new data are written to: JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/application-users.properties JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/application-roles.properties management users data are written to: JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties Starting the application server ------------------------------- shell in JBOSS_HOME/bin ./standalone.sh The JBOSS default web based console is available at http://JBOSS_IP:8080/ (admin/password) IIDM-DDB Converter configuration --------------------------------------- The eurostag to modelica converter uses a folder to temporarily store the files to be converted. The folder, set by default to /tmp, is configured in the converter.properties file (see the resource folder in the iidm-ddb-eurostag-modelica-converter project). Before building and deploying the project make sure to check this configuration (and the permission on the selected folder) IIDM-DDB module building and deploying --------------------------------------- 1) module building: shell in the iidm-ddb folder mvn clean install 2) module deploying: copy the iidm-ddb/iidm-ddb-ear/target/iidm-ddb-ear.ear to the JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments 3) After a successful deployment the ddb web-ui (in the current version, shows only the list of all the equipment ids) is available at http://JBOSS_IP:8080/iidm-ddb-web ( enter 'user', 'password' to log in) 4) module undeploying: remove iidm-ddb-ear.ear from JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments