As the name might suggest, domino's goal is to provide a DOM in Node.
In contrast to the original dom.js project, domino was not designed to run untrusted code. Hence it doesn't have to hide its internals behind a proxy facade which makes the code not only simpler, but also more performant.
Domino currently doesn't use any harmony features like proxies or WeakMaps and therefore also runs in older Node versions.
Domino is intended for building pages rather than scraping them. Hence Domino doesn't execute scripts nor does it download external resources.
Also Domino doesn't implement any properties which have been deprecated in HTML5.
Domino sticks to the DOM level 4 working draft, which means that Attributes do not inherit the Node interface. Also Element.attributes returns a read-only array instead of a NamedNodeMap.
Domino provides support for querySelector()
and querySelectorAll()
backed by the Zest selector engine.
var domino = require('domino');
var window = domino.createWindow('<h1>Hello world</h1>');
var document = window.document;
var h1 = document.querySelector('h1');
Domino includes test from the W3C DOM Conformance Suites as well as tests from HTML Working Group.
The tests can be run via npm test
or directly though the Mocha command line:
The majority of the code was written by Andreas Gal and David Flanagan as part of the dom.js project. Please refer to the included LICENSE file for the original copyright notice and disclaimer.