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Introduction: Intel PMWatch is a tool that monitors and reports the behavior of the Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory.
It consists of a data collector.

Linux OS - Fedora or RHEL with nvdimm driver support
Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory firmware version: and newer

PMWatch instructions:
Run "source" to set up the environment before using the tool.

Tools Usage:
pmwatch "<sampling interval>" "<number of samples>" -f outputfile.csv

Example: "pmwatch 1 100" reads the counters every 1 second 100 times.

The output of PMWatch is in a CSV format listing the metrics for each DIMM on the system and outputs the counts for each interval.

Explanation of metrics:

Memory performance metrics:
bytes_read (derived)   : number of bytes transacted by the read operations
bytes_written (derived): number of bytes transacted by the write operations
Note: The total number of bytes transacted in any sample is computed as bytes_read (derived) + 2 * bytes_written (derived).

bytes_read   : (read_64B_ops_received - write_64B_ops_received) * 64
bytes_written: write_64B_ops_received * 64

read_hit_ratio (derived) : measures the efficiency of the buffer in the read path. Range of 0.0 - 0.75.
write_hit_ratio (derived): measures the efficiency of the buffer in the write path. Range of 0.0 - 0.1.

0.75   : indicates 100% sequential write traffic
> 0.75 : indicates writing to 64B addresses that are still in the write buffer (never had to go to media)
1 or ~1: likely writing to a specific address or small range of addresses (fitting in write buffer) for long periods of time.

read_hit_ratio : (cpu_read_ops - media_read_ops) / cpu_read_ops
write_hit_ratio: (cpu_write_ops - media_write_ops) / cpu_write_ops

media_read_ops (derived) :
media_write_ops (derived):
Number of read and write operations performed to the physical media. Each operation transacts a 256 bytes operation.

media_read_ops : (read_64B_ops_received - write_64B_ops_received) / 4
media_write_ops: write_64B_ops_received / 4

read_64B_ops_received :
Number of read and write operations performed from/to the physical media. Each operation transacts a 64byte operation. These operations includes commands transacted for maintenance as well as the commands transacted by the CPU.

cpu_read_ops :
Number of read and write operations received from the CPU (memory controller), for the Memory Mode and AppDirect Mode partitions.

Health Information:
Overall health summary.

Value: Health Status
0: Normal
1: Non-critical
2: Critical
3: Fatal

The module’s used life as a percentage value of factory expected like span.

The module’s remaining life as a percentage value of factory expected like span.

The lifetime the DIMM has been powered on in seconds.

The current uptime of the DIMM for the current power cycle in seconds.

The time the system was last shutdown. The time is represented in epoch (seconds).

media_temp :
The media’s current temperature in degrees Celsius.

controller_temp :
The controller’s current temperature in degrees Celsius.

max_media_temp :
The media’s the highest temperature reported in degrees Celsius.

max_controller_temp :
The controller’s highest temperature reported in degrees Celsius.