A command line application to launch molecular dynamics simulations with OpenMM
- No coding required - just a YAML input file!
- Smart support for different input file formats:
- Topology: PDB/PDBx, Mol2, Amber's PRMTOP, Charmm's PSF, Gromacs' TOP, Desmond's DMS
- Positions: PDB, COOR, INPCRD, CRD, GRO
- Velocities: PDB, VEL
- Box vectors: PDB, XSC, CSV, INPCRD, GRO
- A fallback method is implemented and will attempt to load verything else that might be supported by ParmEd.
- Choose your preferred trajectory format (PDB, PDBx, DCD, HDF5, NETCDF, MDCRD) and checkpoints (Amber's, CHARMM's, OpenMM XML states).
- Live report of simulation progress, with estimated ETA and speed.
- Checkpoint every n steps. Also, emergency rescue files are created if an error occurs.
- Autochunk the trajectories for easy handling.
Download the latest installer or use conda install -c omnia -c insilichem ommprotocol
if you already have Anaconda/Miniconda installed. Further details here.
When installed, you should be able to run:
ommprotocol <inputfile.yaml>
Check the documentation to read more on how to create input files for OMMProtocol.
Documentation is always available at ReadTheDocs. If you have problems running ommprotocol
, feel free to create an issue! Also, make sure to visit our main webpage at insilichem.com.
OMMProtocol is scientific software, funded by public research grants (Spanish MINECO's project CTQ2014-54071-P
, Generalitat de Catalunya's project 2014SGR989
and research grant 2015FI_B00768
, COST Action CM1306
). If you make use of Ommprotocol in scientific publications, please cite it. It will help measure the impact of our research and future funding! A manuscript is in progress. In the meantime, please cite this repository URL.
author = {Jaime Rodríguez-Guerra Pedregal and
Lur Alonso-Cotchico and
Lorea Velasco and
Jean-Didier Maréchal},
title = {OMMProtocol: A command line application to launch molecular dynamics simulations with OpenMM},
url = {https://github.com/insilichem/ommprotocol}