A curated list of Swoole.
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
- Documentation
- Development
- Process
- Server
- Client
- Algorithm
- Framework
- Database
- Integration
- Docker
- Others
- License
- Swoole Docs - Official Swoole documentaion in English.
- Swoole Examples - Official examples in Github.
- Another Swoole Examples - Another personal Swoole examples for learning purpose.
- Concise Guide (Outdated) - A personal concise guide for Swoole.
- Swoole Study Notes - A collection of personal study notes for Swoole beginners.
- Swoole IDE Helper - Auto completion, trigger suggest and view docs for Swoole in editor.
- MyQEE - A wrapper library for Swoole.
- Auto Reload - Official hot reload tool using inotify.
- Donkey - An async crontab application by Swoole.
- multiprocess - Easy to make the common PHP/Python/JS...script change daemon and multi-process execution.
- statistics - A web monitor system by Swoole.
- swoole-jobs - Dynamic multi process worker queue base on swoole, like gearman but high performance.
- hprose-swoole - Hprose asynchronous client & standalone server based on swoole.
- mqtt-server - A simple swoole mqtt server.
- Dora-RPC - An RPC For the PHP MicroService by Swoole.
- swoole-grpc - A GRPC implement based on Swoole Http2 Server.
- php-amqplib - A PHP coroutine client for RabbitMQ base on Swoole extension.
- zmq - ZeroMQ bindings for Swoole.
- swoole-http-client - An async http client in compatible with psr7 request and response.
- Guzzle-Swoole - A coroutine handler for Guzzle.
- BloomFilter - A Bloom Filter extension with Swoole.
- Swoole Framework - An official Swoole framework.
- Swoole Distributed - A distributed Swoole framework.
- TSF - A coroutine and Swoole based php server framework in Tencent.
- easyswoole - Use swoole easily just like echo "hello world";.
- Swoft - A modern high performance AOP and coroutine PHP Framework based on Swoole.
- Blink - A high performance web framework and application server in PHP.
- FastD - A high performance PHP API framework.
- zhttp - A light weight web framework.
- php-msf - A micro service framework developed by Camera 360 team.
- mixphp - A light weight yet hight performance web framework.
- GroupCo - A web framework for API, Http server, RPC server, micro service and high concurrency use cases.
- Igni - Psr-compatible micro-framework for rest services.
- Siler - Flat files and plain-old PHP functions rocking on a production-grade, high-performance, scalable, concurrent and non-blocking HTTP server.
- Sworm - A PHP NotORM-like database library based on Swoole for simple working with data in the database.
- swoole2-mysqlpool - A MySQL connection pool.
- laravel-swoole-cp - A swoole connection pool for Laravel.
- mysql-proxy - A MySQL proxy with connection pool and read/write splitting support.
- SMProxy - A MySQL database connection pool based on MySQL protocol and Swoole.
- laravel-swoole - ❤️ A high performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications. This repo is maintained by Swoole Taiwan Community.
- Lawoole - A combination framework with Swoole and Laravel.
- laravel-swoole-jsonrpc - The JSON-RPC server and client based on Swoole, for Laravel and Lumen framework.
- lumen-swoole-http - A bridge from Swoole to Lumen.
- laravel-s - Speed up Laravel/Lumen by Swoole, 'S' means Swoole, Speed, High performance.
- Slim-Swoole - Convenient library to run SlimPHP applications with Swoole.
- zys - A high performance service framework based on Yaf or Swoole.
- yii2-swoole - An integration with yii2 and Swoole.
- phwoolcon - An integration with Phalcon and Swoole.
- zend-expressive-swoole - Swoole support for Expressive applications.
- docker-swoole-webapp - Simple Docker-image to build your applications based on Swoole PHP extension.
- jegarn - A chat system, based on Swoole, redis and msgpack.
To the extent possible under law, Albert Chen has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.