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TR50 Library 

NOTE: To use this library you must have an active account on a platform 
powered by deviceWISE.  If you would like to signup for a free 
developer account, please goto and click
the "Create Account" link on the login page of the platform.
setup with the proper environment. Please Refer to the Open Portal 
Demo Setup section described later in this document.

- You must already have an account on an AEP platform powered by deviceWISE.
- You must have already completed the Getting Started Guide for Developers
    - URL:
- If you are unsure where to start, familiarize yourself with the platform by
  following the Getting Started Guide for Gateways found here:

Minimum system requirements supported 

TR50 Library Dependencies by Platform
- Linux 
    - Multi-threaded, 32 and 64 bit Linux platform 
    - OpenSSL 1.0.1 development packaged installed 
        - Install RPM-based (RHEL, CentOS, etc) : #yum install openssl openssl-devel
        - Install APT-based (Ubuntu etc): #apt-get install openssl libssl-devel 
    - GNU-C compiler.
- Windows (32 and 64 bit Windows 7+ platform)
    - Visual Studio 2013 
    - OpenSSL 1.0.1 installed in C:\OpenSSL-Win32

Adding support for other operating systems 

The TR50 library code utilizes many common functions that fall outside the scope
of the standard C library, such as sockets, threads, mutexes, etc.  If you wish to add
support for a new operating system, you must create a wrapper for the operating system's
implementation of these common functions.  There is a 'stub' directory implementation 
that can be used as an example to add these OS-specific overrides for an unsupported 
(multi-threaded) platform. The stub directory can be updated to include the 
platform specific libraries as well as updating the makefiles for the new system.

Running with the provided makefiles and System libraries may be successful 
on unsupported platforms, however, it is important to note that issues can be 
encountered on these platforms and should be used at your own risk.

Getting Started (Linux)

1. Extract the compressed file into your working environment 

2. Execute the following commands at the shell to build the library and examples:
#cd working_directory 
#./configure --with-examples 

3. Execute the following commands to run the basic sample:
#./examples/example_basic [mqtt_endpoint] [mqtt_port] [app_token] [thing_key] 

4. Execute the following commands to run the sysinfo example:
#./examples/example_sysinfo [mqtt_endpoint] [mqtt_port] [app_token] [thing_key] 

Getting Started (Windows)

1. Extract the compressed file into your working environment

2. Start Visual Studio 2013 and open the MSVC project file from <working directory>/tr50_c/MSVC/tr50.vcxproj

3. Set your start-up project to tr50 and run the Build on the solution file. 

4. Open a command prompt and change directories to <working directory>\source\tr50_c\MSVC\Debug

5. Execute the following command to run the basic sample program: 
#example_basic [mqtt_endpoint] [mqtt_port] [app_token] [thing_key] 

6. Execute the following command to run the sysinfo sample program:
#example_sysinfo [mqtt_endpoint] [mqtt_port] [app_token] [thing_key] 

Although the makefiles for a WINDOWS command line build are provided, they are not supported
and the Visual Studio project files should be used instead.

Example Program Setup 

Follow the steps below to configure your account to receive data from the sample applications.

1. Login to the Management Portal.
   - Additional Help:
2. Retrieve your MQTT Endpoint from the Developer section of the Management Portal.
   - Additional Help:
3. Retrieve your Application Token from the Applications page.
   - Additional Help:
4. Click "New thing" to add a new thing.
   - Additional Help:
   - Set "Thing Definition" to "Default"
   - Set "key" to "sampletr50thing"
   - Set "name" to "Sample TR50 Thing"
   - Click "Add" to add the new thing.
5. Modify the "Default" Thing Definition as follows:
   - Enable property and attribute auto-definition
   - Add an alarm called "alarm1" with 3 states [0,1,2]
   - Add a method with key "overheating", name "Overheating" and the following notification variables:
	- Name: Temperature (Key:temperature, Count:1, Name:Temperature, type:float, UI Type:Text Box)
	- Name: Result (Key:result, Count:1, Name:Result, type:string, Length:128, UI Type:Text Box)

Example Error Codes

Any errors encountered within the examples could be generated internally by the TR50 library or returned from the M2M Service.
Failures relating to the TR50 library will be reported as return codes.  The expected return codes are listed in 
the "error.h" include file in your <working directory\include\tr50\error.h>
Failures related to the M2M Service can be decoded by login into the Management Portal and verifying the API Logs.


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