- Product Owner: Emily Eng
- Scrum Master: Jan Hellmich
- Development Team Members: Erik Barzdukas, Ingi Kim
Inspired by the foundation laid by TriviaWithFriends, our fork, TriviaBattle, extends the original game to support real-time multi-player games.
TriviaBattle is a great way to challenge your friends to trivia showdowns! Finally figure out which one of you has more random knowledge of the world! TriviaBattle will keep track of your success (or lack of success) answering questions over time, so you can always check-in on your stats. Jump right in and see how you do!
Here is a link to the deployed version of our app: http://triviabattle.herokuapp.com/
We used the MEAN tech stack to create TriviaBattle: Mongoose, Express, Angular, and Node. To implement live, synchronized updates to all players, we used Socket.io.
For more details on the layout of the code base, please see the [Project Summary](project-notes/Project Summary).
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.