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Il Mercatino del Libro

Dev quick start

Make sure you have Corepack installed and enabled. See Corepack - How to Install for more information.

$ corepack enable

Copy the .env.example files to .env files in both client and server folders, make adjustments if needed.

Afterwards, execute the following commands:

$ pnpm install

# Runs the needed docker containers
$ pnpm db:start

# Wipe out the DB (if present), (re)run all migrations, then seed the DB
$ pnpm server:migrate:reset

If this is the first time working on this project, make sure to read the following documents before starting to code:

Run in development mode (everyday usage)

# Runs the needed docker containers, only needed if you haven't run it already
$ pnpm db:start
# Open the following commands in 2 separate terminals
$ pnpm server:dev
$ pnpm client:dev

# Stops docker containers
$ pnpm db:stop

Useful commands

# Cleans all generated NestJS/GraphQL helpers, GraphQL schema, dist bundles, etc.
# Helpful when switching branches or when the client code generator fails
$ pnpm clean

# Generate all NestJS/GraphQL helpers and GraphQL schema which you'd need to run the app
$ pnpm generate

# Wipe out the DB (if present), re-run all migrations, then seed the DB
$ pnpm server:migrate:reset

Generate prod bundle

Replace values into .env with production ones, then execute the following commands:

# Clean all generated files, re-generate them anew, then build the app
$ pnpm build
# Serve the production build
$ pnpm serve

# You can now access the app on the URL specified into .env file
# If you're serving it locally, you can access it at http://localhost:3000 by default

Production Setup

This section is meant to describe the setup steps for a production installation of the software or anyway the installation on a machine that needs to be configured from scratch. It will list the minimal requirements needed to be able to install the code and make it run in production mode.

  1. Install Node.js version 18.20(LTS) or 20.12(LTS) on the server machine.
    1. Notice that if you do not have access to a graphical UI but just to a CLI, it is better to follow these instructions instead.
  2. Verify Node.js installation by running node -v in the terminal. It shall return its version.
  3. From an elevated terminal (or using the sudo prefix on Linux/Mac), run corepack enable. This will make sure that Node.js can install pnpm autonomously.
  4. Install Docker according to the OS the app will run on.
  5. Make sure Docker is up and running properly. In the terminal run docker -v and it shall return the installed Docker version.
  6. We recommend to not install Git on the production server in order to minimize installed apps.
  7. Download the code of this repository, then copy and move it into the desired location in the server machine. Use either ftp client or a .zip file for this.
  8. Once the files have been correctly uploaded to the server, update the server package .env file.
    1. In the terminal run cd packages/server.
    2. Copy and rename the file .env.example to .env.
    3. Open the .env file in edit mode.
    4. Replace NODE_ENV=development with NODE_ENV=production.
    5. Use a tool like this one to generate a 32byte secret string (or also run openssl rand -base64 32 command if installed in your machine or on the server).
    6. Replace APPLICATION_SECRET=secret with APPLICATION_SECRET=the_secret_generated_in_previous_step.
    7. Increase TOKEN_EXPIRATION however you like. Suggest 4h or 8h.
    8. If a Facebook or Google login has been created to be linked to the app, set the correct SOCIAL_CLIENT_ID and respective SOCIAL_CLIENT_SECRET. To create a social app and get the necessary configurations, please follow the instructions listed here.
    9. Change CLIENT_URL and SERVER_URL to your domain. It should be Note that in this case you need to define the protocol (https://) too. If you are using a different endpoint for the server than the client, make sure to replace it with the correct one.
    10. Set DB_USER and DB_PASS to a more secure value. Remember that if you change these after the database in docker has been created and seeded, the app may no longer be able to connect to the database.
    11. Be sure to replace the values of all the different MAIL_* entries with the values provided you by your email provider.
    13. Set OS_FILESYSTEM_PATH=path to the folder path that you like.
    14. Save and close this file.
  9. Now update the client package .env file as well.
    1. Preferably in another terminal, cd into packages/client.
    2. Copy and rename the file .env.example to .env.
    3. Open the .env file in edit mode.
    4. Replace DOMAIN with the domain of your application. It should be Notice that in this case you shouldn't include the protocol (https://) since it will be added automatically.
    5. If you have configured some options for social login, set either (or both) FACEBOOK_LOGIN_ENABLED=true and GOOGLE_LOGIN_ENABLED=true according to your needs.
    6. Save and close this file.
  10. In the terminal, go back to the root of the code, where this file is located.
  11. From there run pnpm i and wait until it completes.
  12. Go back to the server folder cd packages/server and in there run:
    1. pnpm generate to create GraphQL types.
    2. pnpm db:start to crate Docker container for PostgreDB.
    3. pnpm migrate:reset to reset database, run migrations and create the structure of the DB and finally seed the DB. Do not run this command when Mercatino is in production, or all the data will be lost!
    4. pnpm build to prepare the server app
    5. Now follow instruction inside the server's to import books and schools.
    6. Now run pnpm start:prod to start the application of the server.
  13. Now, while the server is running in the other terminal, in the second opened terminal return to the packages/client directory:
    1. Run pnpm generate.
    2. Run pnpm build. This should copy the just built client into the server folder and thus it should already be accessible since the server is running.
  14. Make sure your web server is publishing the app on the correct port.
  15. Bonus tip: in order to be sure that the server is always running or that at least it gets restarted, we suggest to install and configure PM2 in order to restart the server process should it crash.