Tags: ihmeuw/vivarium_public_health
Albrja/mic-5878/Use RR data to get age intervals for LBWSGRiskEffect (#… …511) Albrja/mic-5878/Use RR data to get age intervals for LBWSGRiskEffect Use relative risk data to get age intervals. - *Category*: Bugfix - *JIRA issue*: https://jira.ihme.washington.edu/browse/MIC-5878 Changes and notes -uses RR data to get age intervals so there is not a data dependency on exposure and relative risk data. ### Testing <!-- Details on how code was verified, any unit tests local for the repo, regression testing, etc. At a minimum, this should include an integration test for a framework change. Consider: plots, images, (small) csv file. -->
Albrja/bugfix/mic-5768/lbwsg-riskeffect-rr-pipeline (#504) Albrja/bugfix/mic-5768/lbwsg-riskeffect-rr-pipeline Fixes bug in creation of relative risk pipeline for LBWSGRiskEffect component - *Category*: Bugfix - *JIRA issue*: https://jira.ihme.washington.edu/browse/MIC-5768 Changes and notes -updates way relative risk pipeline is created in LBWSGRiskEffect ### Testing <!-- Details on how code was verified, any unit tests local for the repo, regression testing, etc. At a minimum, this should include an integration test for a framework change. Consider: plots, images, (small) csv file. -->
Albrja/mic 5277/relative-risk-pipeline-for-riskeffect (#496) Albrja/mic 5277/relative-risk-pipeline-for-riskeffect Grant users access to relative risk pipeline for RiskEffect class - *Category*: Feature - *JIRA issue*: https://jira.ihme.washington.edu/browse/MIC-5277 Changes and notes -small refactor so users have access to the relative risk pipeline for RiskEffect class ### Testing <!-- Details on how code was verified, any unit tests local for the repo, regression testing, etc. At a minimum, this should include an integration test for a framework change. Consider: plots, images, (small) csv file. -->
Albrja/mic-5485/scaled-population (#489) Albrja/mic-5485/scaled-population Add ScalePopulation component to population package. - *Category*: Feature - *JIRA issue*: https://jira.ihme.washington.edu/browse/MIC-5485 Changes and notes -Adds component to scale base population Testing Successfully ran simulation.