A collection of my web exercises, accumulation
顾名思义,这是一锅由 html、css、js 构成的乱七八糟的 code soup
demo, draft, frame, goods, utility, etc...
Content List
- demos -- Different kinds of web demos
- draft -- Like a web playground, for single demo, no matter what it's name should be or which type it belongs
- frame -- Frames like Bootstrap, AmazeUI, etc... And it should be ignored
- goods -- Goods, and it should be ignored
- history -- History! Of course, it should be ignored
- lib -- Libs like jquery.js, Three.js, react.min.js, etc... And it should be ignored
- res -- Resource like background imgs, some color, etc... It should be rebuilt
- svg -- SVG demos!
- tucao -- Don't care about this one😝
- utility -- I was, was wandering to write some utilities...