This is the reproduce code for the paper "Balanced Topic Aware Sampling for Effective Dense Retriever: A Reproducibility Study" by Shuai Wang and Guido Zuccon.
In our project, there are two datasets that's been used: MS_MARCO_passage_ranking and Amazon_shopping_queries
- Download the dataset from MS_MARCO_passage_ranking and put it in the folder
. (You need: collection.tsv, all queries.tsv, all qrels.tsv, train_triples_qid_pid) - Download the pre-computed training scores from ensemble scores and put it in the folder
- Set-up pyserini
- Follow the instructions on get bm25 score of MS marco passage ranking in pyserini
- Put the output of top-100 BM25 results in the folder
and name it asbm25-top-100-49k.tsv
. - Put the output of top-1000 BM25 results in the folder
and name it asbm25-top-1000-49k.tsv
To train baseline DR model, do the following:
cd matchmaker
python3 matchmaker/ \
--config-file config/train/defaults.yaml config/train/data/example-minial-dataset.yaml config/train/models/bert_dot.yaml \
--run-name msmarco-baseline-model
To inference the baseline DR model, do the following:
python3 matchmaker/ encode+index+search \
--run-name baseline_dr \
--config config/dense_retrieval/base_setting.yaml config/dense_retrieval/dataset/msmarco_dev.yaml config/dense_retrieval/model/base.yaml
Remember to change model path in config/dense_retrieval/model/base.yaml to the trained model from above step.
To seperate training file, run the following
cd matchmaker
--output-file ../dataset/msmarco/sampled_queries.tsv \
--candidate-metric ../dataset/msmarco/baseline.metrics.tsv\
--candidate-file ../dataset/msmarco/bm25-top-100-49k.tsv\
--qrel ../dataset/msmarco/ \
--collection-file ../dataset/msmarco/collection.tsv \
--query-file ../dataset/msmarco/
For model_choice: please see all available yaml files in config/train/modes/exp/
cd matchmaker
python3 matchmaker/ \
--config-file config/train/defaults.yaml config/train/data/msmarco.yaml config/train/models/bert_dot.yaml config/train/modes/exp/{model_choice}.yaml \
--run-name msmarco-${model_choice}
Note: please specify the path of trained models in config/dense_retrieval/model/example.yaml
python3 matchmaker/ encode+index+search --run-name {cmodel_choice} \
--config config/dense_rertrieval/base_setting.yaml config/dense_rertrieval/dataset/msmarco_dev.yaml config/dense_retrieval/model/example.yaml
This guide builds up on:
We again use a BERT_DOT with shared encoder: bert_dot
For the dataset config, see the config/train/data/example-minimal-tasb-dataset.yaml.
The config for TAS-Balanced input files:
dynamic_query_file: "/path/to/train/queries.train.tsv"
dynamic_collection_file: "/path/to/train/collection.tsv"
dynamic_pairs_with_teacher_scores: "/path/to/train/T2-train-ids.tsv" # output of matchmaker/distillation/ (from single model pairwise scores or the ensemble)
dynamic_query_cluster_file: "/path/to/train/train_clusters.tsv" # generate it with matchmaker/distillation/ (and a baseline dense retrieval model)
Example train command (cd in ir-project-matchmaker):
python matchmaker/ --config-file config/train/defaults.yaml config/train/data/<your dataset here>.yaml config/train/models/bert_dot.yaml config/train/modes/tas_balanced.yaml --run-name your_experiment_name
The dynamic_teacher will run on the same GPU as the main training (if you only have 1 GPU available) if you have more than 1 GPU available, the dynamic teacher will exclusively take the last GPU and the training the rest.
If you want to know more about the needed workflow to set up teacher scores & models:
If you want to know more about the evaluation options see: